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On the Shore II


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What do you think about this one? It was shot on the same location

as the previous.

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Sto se kompozicije tice, vise mi se svidela prethodna. Ovde mi smeta deo odsecene stene sa leve strane, a i cela kompozicija je nekako previse centralizovana, pa ima manju dinamiku nego prethodna. Ono sto bih hteo da naglasim (naravno samo kao svoje licno misljenje), a sto mislim da je vazno je to da ne vidim svrhu snimanja ovakvih fotografija. Naravno, svi mi imamo licne razloge za slikanje i ubedjen sam da neka licna svrha postoji, ali sa umetnicke tacke gledista ovo je jedan veoma uobicajen detalj koji mozemo da vidimo svakodnevno. Ne vidim koja bi bila svrha fotografisati tu stenu usred bela dana sa nebom koje je potpuno prazno, dakle neinteresantno, sa morem koje je skoro potpuno mirno, dakle opet neinteresantno, i sa podnevnim senkama, dakle skoro bez ikakvih senki. Ako tezite umetnickoj fotografiji, onda morate traziti "specijalni" momenat, osvetljenje, ugao, atmosferu... nesto sto vredi ovekoveciti i to "nesto" sto ce Vasu sliku uciniti drugacijom od hiljada drugih turistickih slika istog objekta. Morate stvoriti licno, specificno, samo Vama svojstveno vidjenje tog objekta koje ce druge naterati za zastanu i kazu: "Boze, vidjao sam ovakve stene, ali nakada nikada nisam sanjao da <> moze da izgleda!"


Sve ostalo je po mom misljenju samo puko isprobavanje objektiva.

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Hvala ti, Masha, na iskrenom komentaru, sa kojim se potpuno slazem. Dok sam radio na ovoj fotografiji nisam imao nikakvih umjetnickih ambicija. Zelja mi je bila da napravim sliku prijatnu za gladanje, sa dopadljivom kompozicijom, kao za prospekt. Iako sam od rodjenja u Crnoj Gori, tek sam ovog ljeta otkrio obalu izmedju Male i Velike plaze u Ulcinju, koja je, po meni, raj za fotografe. Naravno, ljeto nije najpogodnije doba za slikanje naseg primorja, zato sto sunce izlazi i zalazi iznad kopna, ostavljajuci obalu u sijenci. Mozda cu na jesen i zimus ponovo obici ovaj predio, kada se nadam mnogo boljem svjetlu. Od tri fotografije ove iste stijene, najvise mi se dopada ona koju cu poslati sjutra ujutru, pa, ako mozes, napisi sta mislis i o njoj.

Jos jednom hvala i srdacan pozdrav iz Podgorice

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I like this one better. The foreground pool is more interesting to look at, and still leads us into the frame. But I think the harsh light works strongly against you in both images.
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Ja se Predraze ne bih slozio sa Mashinim komentarom. Sve o cemu diskutujete Masha je dosta individualno. Tesko je tu uspostaviti standarde. Ja fotografisanje vidim kao nesto dosta intimno i licno i tesko da onda ima prostora za generalisanje. Sta se smatra za dosadnim? Po mom skromnom misljenju sumnjam da vi Masho mozete da odredite sta je to sto se "generalno" smatra dosadnim a da pri tome niste subjektivani.


Sa druge strane, umetnost je previse velik koncept da ju je tesko svesti na "pojam" koji je cini "specijalan momenat, ugao " itd... Umetnost se istovremeno vrlo licano dozivljava i opet smatram da Masha nije u tom pogledu kompetentan da odredjuje da li je "nesto" umetnost ili ne. Ako ste vi Predraze nasli za interesanto da slikate ovu stenu u datom momentu je vec korak prema necemu sto je izraz vas i vasih afiniteta. Samim tim nema smisla osudjivati to kao dosadnim. Mozda Mashi (sto je opet kazem subjektivno) ali vama, koji ste odlucili da ovekovecite ovaj momenat i ovu stenu, ne. Zato mi je na momenat i zao sto se u svom komentaru cak i pravdate.


Licno mislim da ste se Masho trebali zadrzi na komentarima kao sto su svetlost, odsustvo senki i sl. ali vise u formi konstruktivnih saveta.

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Zdravo Predraze


Ajd' sad malo na engleskom da pisem. ;)


While the location per se is obviously interesting, I can absolutely agree with Masha and your second comment. This means, you'll need better lighting conditions, perhaps more shadow, a different sea and a different sky. The image would certainly benefit from a sunset/sunrise or some clouds and shadows or even a stormier sea or fog/dust. We all also know that you are able to make beatiful photographs in every aspect!


If you have time and ambitions, go there again early in the mornings or later in the afternoons, check the weather forecast and so on. Often, you get the best images when you expect it the least.


I really can understand when you say that you just wanted to take a picture. And such critique, like I have writen now, would be apropriate for most of my pictures too ;) But perhaps you should try again.


Now I'm waiting for your next pic! :)


Btw. it's nice to see a piece of coast which isn't overpopulated by foreign (or domestic) tourists.


Pozdrav iz Ciriha



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This one is more interesting, the comp is much better. I think, that under the right conditions, this could be a beautiful scene. 6/5
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I?ll write a shorter version of my previous comment in English, which is I think much more appropriate in these circumstances.


It is very hard to discuss art without being subjective. I think that we should be constructive in our comments as much as possible without offending others vision and approach to photography no matter how bad we think it is.


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Thanks Dusan and Milos, and all the others who commented. The part of Montenegrin coast from the City (Small) beach to the Long beach in Ulcinj is certainly the most interesting photo location I have visited so far. The area consists of a dozen of small bays. The first few of them are full of tourists, but after the hotel Albatross, there is almost nobody. Most times, I was the only person in one of them. After getting too hot, I used to leave my equipment and my clothes on the shore and to swim for half an hour at times, all by myself.
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Predrag - This photo, like many of your landscapes shares a common pattern which I've noticed. You like to center your main subject in almost all of your photos! :-) While this is not my favorite in terms of composition, it is nonetheless a subjective thing and should not detract from your personal style. With that said, I like the photograph.. especially the fine contrast and texture of the rock which you've captured well. I might experiment with different light conditions to see how the light plays with the texture of the rock. Perhaps a late afternoon sun might create some interesting shadows? I don't know the location so perhaps that's not an option - just a thought.
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It is an option, Margaret, since this spot is opened to the right, and the sun is setting in that direction. I hope I'll soon be able to visit the location again.
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Prefer this one, to the other post, easier on the eye. Still not sure whether there is enough going on, nevertheless good effort.
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This is a good photograph. The contrast between the ocean water and the pool water is good.
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