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w. roger keagle

Worchester is the home of the original "Diner Car", this is the side of one of them, about to re-open. This was taken on one of many wonderful days with Linda, and I am looking forward to many more days like this one ! I can hardly wait... Roger 1000 sec @ f5.6 full sun, hand held.

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Sadly, I have to be in Oz for the next six weeks, but then, Linda and I will be together again...and it pleases me that you are the first here also Ken ! W. Roger Keagle Jr.
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Nice, Roger. I look forward to more.


So, you have to retreat from our summers. . . . I knew it. Back to winter. Wish I had some escape from the steam bath down here in the Southeast.

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Pleases me to see you three here. Are you boys going to make room for me or what? No Ken, I didnt mean in your lap. ;) So, Lannie our self appointed pn guardian how are you my friend?


and last but not least Roger, glad you made it home safe.



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Hey, I need my head shrunk, I am comming back to spend the Winter with Linda in New England, after Winter here...which is not really Winter at all ! Looking forward to nights by the fire, in her lovley home...best Winter Yet, Bring on the Snow, I'm ready ! Roger
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oh Fred! dont fret. some of us are still quite cynical in nature. some of us upon finding these letters would have shot 'is'. Roger and Linda, I hope will bloom eternal, but for the rest of us all you have to do is read the feedback forum to see there isnt any damn singing but I do think I heard some glass breaking earlier.


So, now can we get back to Ken's lap and me feigning I dont want to sit there? or is it me and Else on either side? or an Else sandwhich. giggles to you Else- I am on holiday but how I could I not have merry making with you all?!?



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Have a heart, and think how wonderful this all is, here is everything you could wish for, love, hope, joy and magic, oh yes, and great photos ! Roger
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Whats a Bloke to do, I have fallen in love, got friends all over the place, flown half way around the world and back, and now I am trying to stay warm, and build a Nest here in Oz for Linda to visit, life is wonderful...Ken, you had better say a kind word or two to Knicki, do you have any Lap to spare ? Roger
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I have to tell you to not worry, there is nothing on this Earth that is faster on the draw than a Texan, true, they will take the whole afternoon to drawl out that your house is on fire,,,! Roger
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Ken, English is a long way from the Texan Drawl...but then Oz is even farther, here they "Raise" a house when they tear it down ! Roger
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Is this a private party or can anyone stop by? I'm picturing, Knicki & Els sitting in Ken's lap, Ken, wondering how he got so lucky. Roger and Linda off in some dark corner, gazing into each others eyes and Fred at the bar, nursing a Scotch on the rocks! I'm leaning in the doorway, gazing around the room, taking it all in. I'm thinking of joining Fred at the bar! Roger, if you've never spent a winter in New England, you're in for a treat, beautiful, but colder than a "Witch's $%^". You'll need that fire and also a nice thick sweater! Oh, by the way, nice image!
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Rog has the nice warm sweater all picked out, and we are dreaming of "fars in the farplace." But Hawaii will come first and maybe we can store up all that warmth to use later....
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Jayme, as long as I am in the same Time Zone as Linda, that is all that counts, this being 10,000 miles away is for the birds, Winter, Cold, Snow, hey, I'm ready for all of it !


Oh, by the way, Linda and I don't need a dark corner, we are quite bold, you have seen us at the Airport ! Love this, all of it ! Roger

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Wedding and Social Category, well, what else ! I am here again for

various reasons for the next six weeks, and I miss Linda ! Sock it to

me here, I am ready ! This shot of on the side of a closed Diner,

Linda tells me that Worcester invented the Diner, and this is one of

the early ones, now being restored to re-open. Working inside was the

owner, I asked if he did a mean Chili, and he said YES ! I will be

back to Worcester to find out, worth the 26 Hour Flight just for

that ! (You might guess, I have other reasons as well !) Have fun

here, this is what Photo Net is all about, Fun ! W. Roger Keagle Jr

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Now Roger, becareful the heat you from you two ...its hot enough here already, might cause an egg to fry on Ken's lap.
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Eggs are Ken ! Fried or boiled, and as to his lap, there seems to be a waiting list for that, thanks, no Ken, I have a lap I prefer ! Roger
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I'm changing my mental image, I'm still leaning in the doorway taking it all in. Knicki and Els are still in Ken's lap (that figures, you're right Fred, no more room), Fred is still at the bar nursing his scotch, (he's now motioning me over) but Linda and Roger are alone in the center of the dance floor, in each others arms, with a very romatic light shining on them, oblivious to the rest of us. Still gazing into each others eyes. Hey Fred, order me a Canadian Cub and Coke, please. "So Fred, what's up with the ladies in Ken's lap?" Hummm.... did I say that? LOL
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