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"Did ever any one catch fish upon high mountains? And though it be a folly what I here seek and...


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This is not the Rhone valley; it is the Durance valley, located just north of the Ublantis (this is how I call the Ubaye valley), where most of my other photos were taken.

Ublantis and this part of the Durance is north of Nice which is located on the northern hemisphere of a small planet in a dusty corner of one of the about 140 billion galaxies which comprise our universe - (A universe is only a thought of the creator where he tries out various laws of nature, like the proper value for pi¹. Why not? Thoughts are as real as matter - because we have them - like dreams.²)

Hannibal followed the Durance valley with his troops to go from via Spain to Italy.

Both, Ubaye and Durance rivers flow into the Rhone in the midi (Provence).

The north-eastern part of the lake you see is Lac de Serre-Poncon; it is artificial, built about 40 years ago and serves for electricity generation from the abundand water of the Ubaye and Durance rivers.


¹) "Until now the record formathematical lunacy by a legislativebody has been held by the IndianaHouse of Representatives, which in1897 decreed by a vote of 67 to 0 thatpi?the ratio of the circumference of acircle to its diameter?would no longerbe 3.14159 but instead be 3.2. Indianaschoolchildren momentarily rejoicedover this simplification of their lives.But the Indiana Senate, composed ofcooler heads, referred the bill to theCommittee for Temperance, and iteventually died."

-- quote WEB, in 06-Jul-2004, Washington Post.

²) "Thoughts and ideas are not phantoms. They are real things."

-- quote Ludwig von Mises, T&H, 1957

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