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"And they knew not how to love their God otherwise than by nailing men to the cross!" -- F....


here you see only about 300 thousand pixels; the original scan resolution is about 10 million pixels.

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I wish I could award bonus points for obscure Nietzche quotes (I want to say this is from Beyond Good and Evil, but it's been a while since I dusted him off), but I can't so I'll stick to a critique.


I think that I might try cropping this photo down vertically by losing a good bit (1/4tr to 1/3rd) off the bottom. The brown grass and small rocks are having a hard time holding my interest against the blue-ish mountains in the background and silhouetted cross.


I think that a sort of wide-angle framing would emphasise the vista that you've captured without losing too much in the way of composition...


My $0.02.

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It looks a little dark, but still has good detail. If you are going for more emotional impact, bring the cross in closer and move it more off center.
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thank you for your comments.


the first critique proposed to use a wider angle lens, if I understood it correctly, but it was a 24mm which is the widest I got.


If I kept the 3:2 picture format, I can't crop much to get less foreground and the small summit top does not leave much choice from where to take the fata morgana cross.


> bring the cross in closer and move it more off center.


I went there a few weeks ago and the cross was no longer there. only some wood relicts remain.

so next time, I'll carry some wood and nails to construct a new cross on Pic de Tete.


maybe I could increase the luminosity a bit.

(the picture shown is the unprocessed batch scan result.)

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