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Two Girls


New PS work on 25-05-05

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Frederic I'm sorry I'll put this comment here, but I had a look in the forum thread about George and it seems his comments here are deleted...


So for the responsible: It's sick! Let the person speak and stop disabling our experiences and treating us as those childs in this photo who need y-o-u-r 'protection' and y-o-u-r own views of 'civility' and 'order' applied in controversial matters and in total way, quickly before people can see and judge what is offensive. Especially since what I've managed to see from George's comments was NOT offensive at all!... [it all reminds me that few days ago in Las Vegas, when the singer Linda Rostandt said she'll dedicate her performance to Michael Moore, some crowd felt offended(!!) and security guards stoped the show and asked from the rest people to leave!! (Linda was also sacked immediately)...]

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Your are welcome to express your opinion, here and everywhere. YOur comment can also be put on these thread, maybe more people interested in the topic will have a chance to read it. Thanks again.
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Felicidades, Fred. Excelente foto con gran fuerza y dramatismo. Veo en la expresiOn de la niNa optimismo y en el niNo recelo. Saludos. 7/7
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"This is a top notch photo in the most refined heritage of Imogen Cunningham, HCB and Ernst Haas. It shouts "Leica" everywhere. If there's one frame that justifies all your troubles and expenses towards your "L" gear is this one. The fleeting expression could not have been captured with a digital or even an SLR, and the razor sharp detail from foreground to background and corner to corner, in addition to creamy smooth tonal transition requires a world class lens like the 'cron ASPH 35. The TXT gives the perfect canvas for this masterpiece."

I have decided to revisit this image so as to make myself (once again) perfectly clear

I believe the comments above (whilst meant as a compliment no doubt) are an insult to you the photogpapher - because the implicit suggestion is that the Leica gear is the responsible force behind the shot.

Why am I making this point? Because as a Leica user myself it is only a tool and the comment is an insult to all photographers. the fact that the comment is attached to an obviously superior image makes the damage and affront greater.

So I am surprised that you found my comments in any way indicative of a negative view regaerding this fine image. I won't repeat my minor technical observations. I hope this clears up my position on this image. As for ratings - I dont rate anymore - it is a waste of time as anything which is worth looking at for more than half a second - gets 7/7 on this site - numbers are cheap currency here, and that is fine by me.

It is disturbing that anyone will take a positiev comment as a positive - when in fact many of the positive comments I read posted are actually disingenuine and show a total lack of any knowledge regarding photography. Your gusshing acceptance of many of these innane congratulations and in particular the quoted comment above - is surprising. George.

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You might be surprised - and I wouldn't care if you were Luis. for some reason you seek to take offense at what I write, this is your perogative, just as it is mine to not care, let us leave it at that, as clearly you are very convinced about everything you do. I love your postcard work btw. George.
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Merci Gerard, d autant plus apprecie, que cela vient d un bon photographe que tu es... J ai appris la semaine derniere a me servir de PS, cette photo meriterait d etre retravaill鮠J ai une copie papier, fantastique,,...
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