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ace 1

John Peri

300 mm Nikon lens


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Well I did not mean to write anything as what can be said about perfect composition full of beauty? ... and jet I have to say I love this picture and the series and the story. Stroy of life is the one that unfolds slowly but if you look close enough into your soul, you find that you are not alone or separate. You are one. United be something bigger then us. United by love and as simple thing as smile. Once again I have to say - I love your work. Thanks. And have fun while discovering the mysteries of life.
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No way to find her again Howard .. I hope that she would have enjoyed this though .. it's really meant as a poem to all the beautiful women on this earth whose path we cross for a fleeting moment in our lives - never to meet again - and there is no woman anywhere that some of us will not find beautiful. I dedicated this series to you, because I know from the content of your frequent comments that you understand that.
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A romantic sonnet made by couple of pictures. You are a fortunate man John, though you have an instinct to pick those nice moments. Thanks for sharing us. Looking for more ...
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The girl is beatifull, however i don't like the blurring/face dof. Cause it is so clearly fake. It isn't correctly done in PhotoShop. First try to analyze how the DOF would appear, then create it that way. DOF appears from front to back, not sideways.
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Fully agree with the mishandling of the blurring Luc. It was discussed at length above. I am now learning how to cope with that. Thank you. John
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Sorry to get distracted from the photo itself but the lady is stunning! A classy lady without a doubt!
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I read the comments above and I play a bit with the photo. Since the photo is yours, I would like to know what do you think about the change... Best regards

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I know you were asking John and not myself, but personally I think it makes it look fake. I think she looks like she's floating when you look at her feet. Maybe if it wasn't so dark.
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Guest Guest


moving story and shots. those are some of the best treats in life- a moment exchanged and shared between strangers.



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I am in a cybercafe while on vacation and the picture will not open, I will answer this when I get back home.
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The ps work on the Ace 1 is a bit dodgy mate.... Very unlike you. The lower right section shows the strongest. I know you wanted to isolate her, but I bet she stands out all by herself. Wow. Hope all is well. J.
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Correction Jay - the bad PS work is typical of me !! That being said, I did it in a hurry and undoubtedly it is worse than usual. I'm back from vacation next week. Met some extraordinary young ladies this summer. They just seem to get more beautiful and charismatic every day, which in a sense is very frustrating. As the Rolling Stones once said .. you just can't get no satisfaction .... Once they have seen their photos, I will ask if I can post some ...
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John, this is absolutely the most heart-stopping series of photos I'[ve seen on photo.net. While the photos are technically solid(and I like the way you PS'd the originals) is the captions and THAT WOMAN that make this so fantastic. You know it works when I'm feeling the same things you're writing and I wasn't even there! Thanks for wharing...this one is special.
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How nicely put. Thank you. It was just an opportunity seized .. possibly with a little pre-emption. I still see her when I close my eyes!
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John, I anderstend your feelings. Please do not look for her. Let this wonderful dream stay in your heart and soul for ever .........=>>>>>> Best wishes and thanks for sharing. Shmil
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Thanks for the many beautyful words, John you are welcome any time, I have moved to Northern Italy now, but please DO come around, anytime....


Just kidding, true art, couldn?t help it....


Reminds me of an friend who fell in love with an girl in a train, all he knew was that she lived in Oslo, Norway, so he went and spend a week in the main station, and all of a sudden she was there, but he was paralysed completely, be ready if you go....


-Sorry if I wasn?t funny, couldn?t help it, I MUST try to control myselve....

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