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ace 1

John Peri

300 mm Nikon lens


© No reproduction in any form without prior permission from the author.

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Samuel, thank you so much. I'll try it as soon as possible. David, what's the matter with you! Look at the original picture ... it's a terrace with paving - large flat stones - not sand. And what do you have against sand anyway :-)
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One of the best request for photo critiques I've ever seen on here. Do you always walk around with an F90 and 300mm?
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It's easy to avoid a sharp demarcation between the sharp part of the image and the blurring. In Photoshop there are always several ways to do just about anything.

1. Use a soft edged brush to apply blurring where you want it, carefully "sneaking up" to the untouched part of the image.

2. Make a selection loosely with the lasso tool around the part to be left sharp. Feather the selection. The feather radius depends on the size of the image. 3-5 pixels is good for a Web image of 800 x 600 pixels. More for larger images. Invert the selection and apply Gaussiam blur (the amount again depends on the size of the image.

These edits are "destructive" in that they change the actual pixels of the image. So always work on a copy of the image. You can make them non-destructive by adding an adjustment layer.


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Thanks Venicia. I have so much too learn about PS, but I'm slowly making progress. Again many thanks for your trouble.
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John, you amazingly captured your true moment and the essence of HER. Thank you for sharing this wonderful moment you've encountered. The photographs explained every detail to its very last moment ....beautifully.
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Well, I'm going to break away from the crowd and say that this photo doesn't have the appeal that most of your other photos do, and it's not because she's wearing clothes, either! The frame is tilted, the subject centered. The composition itself doesn't lead you to her. She's beautiful, yes, but that doesn't make it a good photograph.
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Guest Guest


Different and excellent. I like all the shots and the beautiful story they are telling.
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John, this sequence is amazing. Thanks so much for sharing.


Did you stop dead in your tracks when you first spotted her? Camera was all set to go? I walk around with a 70-200mm IS a lot but I can definitely see the advantage of 300mm here for candid street photography. :)


Any chance you might share these same photos in slightly higher resolution? (LOL, or sell prints? I'm serious.)


Were there others which didn't make the cut here in this sequence but which the rest of us might really be dying to enjoy and learn from?


In any case, thanks so much. You've put a smile on my face today.

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I won't give a comment which can help you, but I am sure I have never seen such a beautifull figure ( and I mean her backside) how is that possible. I for sure will go to Paris, and I want to "show" this also



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Extraordinary. The woman, the crowd, you seeing her and most of all your presentation and description of your emotions in the thread which follows. Fabulous bit of mind candy. The essence of art is the emotion it evokes, I think. So, very, very well done! You certainly captivated me.
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Todd, I can't hand over pictures of this person. I don't know her. In principle, I never post pictures without permission, but this is a crowd scene ... so it's borderline ok in my view. Anyway, haven't you understood yet ... she's only a dream ..... I'm not sure she is really on the negative anyway! Try shutting your eyes tight .. you may find her too ! ...Jos thanks. We all need to dream sometimes ...
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Good eye and well done. I prefer better number one, glamour and aestetic perfect. Composition, moment, color tones, definition, LIGHT... all is Well captured.


Cheers John!

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I have been browsing through your picture folders for a while now and I'm very very very jealous. Where did you find all these attractive women?



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John, I have nothing against sand.... but high heels I am only just over 1 metre tall! (3ft for our non metric friends!)


Seriously! At first it looked like sand! Having said that, I wasn't really looking at the ground much!

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Chee, these are the young ladies that you and I cross every day in the street before they then move on to criss-cross our minds for ever more ... somewhere along in the space/time curve that follows, you have to stop them as they go about their daily business and tell them how much you need to photograph them ... how it is the only thing remaining that has any meaning in your life ... of course you have to mean it too or she rightly won't believe you ... that is the only way to do it .. !!
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Hello John


I did only think it was mee that got shy when i saw a fine looking lady and couldnt take here photo. I didnt think that the master of all could do it too...

These picturs you have taken is after my taste the best ever the light and ????? every thing.

If you ever come to denmark give mee a mail and i give coffe or a beer for some learning words and a hand shake. :-)



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John, keep comming back to look the series. Can you find out who she is? My bet is she would appreciate seeing the images and the comments. The whole thing is haunting. HJD
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