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ace 1

John Peri

300 mm Nikon lens


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.. and then her eyes met mine .. and she smiled .. but I was shy and I put my camera down ... that smile will remain frozen forever in my mind ... will I ever see her again ... who

knows, maybe she wonders too ?


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While going for a walk at sundown last week, I came across a wedding

party .. where I suddenly saw this exquisite scene ......

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These are the kind of sights that return us to our youth everyday. A vision that whispers in our ear, and a smile that lingers in our mind. Nice series John. Thanks.
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Excellent.. I like the blurring (or is it truely DOF??) which makes her stand out perfectly. I kinda get slow motion feelings with these images.


You would have gotten 7/7 if you'd make a talk with her and asked het to model for you. (9/9 probably if you'd asked her out for dinner ;)

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I think you are in love and I'm sure you can find her if you want to



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Congrats! You have finally shown your talents, and courage, to show the world your ability to "see" beauty and charm, multi-dimensionally, and fabulously.
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For me! I'm honored. You are a true romantic, from the heart. I bet the ladies know that as well.

This is a great series. Makes you feel like you were there. Fantasy Rules!

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Well, now you know why I started to take the photos ..... before she even turned around! It was perfection standing in a crowd of 150 people. Sure I blurred the pictures, but my mind had already done it on it's own. Did you see those smiling eyes ........... she knew instinctively what I felt .. !
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You are shy taking photographs of women? How surprising after all your work on display. I would think you would have lined her up for your next photo shoot! You are destroying my confidence in you. Get out there right away and find her!

And I can guarantee you, she knew exactly what she was doing wearing that dress to a wedding! Please find out where she got it. I must have one!


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Guest Guest


It is not customary for guests to wear white to a wedding in the U.S. Was this the bride? Beautiful woman.


Anyway, you should have got her number, you might have another photo for your shack wall.

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I like what you've done with the blur, but I can see sharp lines where the blur starts and ends. I'm thinking a gradual transition might have worked better. Beautiful indeed though.
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Simply superb! I would say speachless but I am never in loss for words so: As everyone I thing that the image is great in DOF, scene and balance. I will give you 7/7 even though you were shy (???). DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN ;-)
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Mike, this was a Mediterranean country. Everyone was dressed in white. Lucas, thanks. I would love to learn how to do the "gradual transition" that you mention? Can anyone post this to me. I would be so grateful.
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Photography is much much more than pressing the button... and I realy like this story! Hope for you to meet her again! Cheers Axel PS And the images are very well done - as usual... Just saw 300mm, realy? you have a stady hand also, Congrats!
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John, the 300mm hit me in the face, too, though not quite as hard as the images. Great work. It looks like you are breaking new ground.


I actually think I like some of the other photos here in the series better than the one that you posted as the main image.

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Hy Lannie, ok, but I had to put them in sequence and show what struck me first of all ...!

As for the 300 mm lens, it's a Nikon zoom actually which has an excellent resolution. The only problem with it is that when it reaches 30 degrees C outside, the lens swells and blocks, and the automatic zoom and focus no longer work! I've sent it twice for repairs, but nothing changes. Yes, the photos were hand held (with elbow in the stomach). The hand was steady, though the knees were a little wobbly! Thanks for your comment.

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Hi John,

Been a fan of yours for some time now... Great Work! Since you asked about the blurring... The best way(no loss, no info change, can adjust later) to do it follows: ( I'm writing this from memory) In Photoshop, duplicate your layer. On the new layer select the area that you want to be sharp. On the select menu, choose Inverse. Click on the Mask icon at the bottom of the layer pallette. This will mask the area that you want to have sharp. You want to click on your mask so that you are working on the mask( should be automatic on creating the mask). Now: Filter->Blur->Gausian Blur and adjust settings to your liking. You can always go back and add more mask( painting black ) or take masking away( painting white /erasing black)


Have fun with it.

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