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Burnt Orange


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Ain't no burnt orange, it looks more like "burnt" metal. :-)


With the isolated view and the strong bands of colors, it is --- needless to say --- an abstract image. Although the details are great, as they are good enough, my greedy eyes are hunting up and down for more details, scanning and feeling for the texture and "sensing" for the bumps and roughness.


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Guest Guest


Carl, very nice as usual. I find myself hunting for the different layers and where they begin and end.



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Now this one I like a lot Carl. I must apologise for not liking one of your prevoius submissions, it was obvious you where not happy about my comment from your response to one of my submissions. I hope you accept my apology. I love the colours and textures in this particular image...very well done!
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You make it sound like I'm guilty of retaliation of your last upload. The subject was blocked up shadow detail possibly due to PN compression. I'm looking forward to uploading a similar under the new noncompression policy.


I'm glad you all are enjoying this. I'm planning on uploading a very tight crop of this shot in a day or two . . . . :-)

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It would make a good flag ... perhaps for some new volcanic island in the Arctic.

btw ... I like the 'little jewels' aspect of the detail shot.

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I've been thinking about the 'volcanic' connection and finally figured out that maybe you're seeing the verticals as a sort of lava flow. . . . took me three days to figure that out. doh!
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Very beautiful, yes, and imo, the centralized purple area works here somehow. But, if I compare this one to the one with the fly, so much is missing in terms of originality or mostly CLEVERNESS. Sometimes, an idea is worth a thousand amazing visual elements in a photo. That's what separates imo great decorative art from great art. Yes, no...?
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Marc, this IS the one with the fly!!! It's even sitting nicely on a power point. I haven't printed it yet, but I'm think 12 X 18 minimum to give the viewer the best chance to find the fly. I expect they will, given that the purple area is the most interesting and is so close to our focal point.
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Guest Guest


hmm. I spent too much time looking at the peeling pain and never saw the fly before- would it be the black speck in the orange? I think the dimensions you gave for a print or larger would do well by this shot. Always a learning experience when I come by your shots, Carl.



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Ah yes ! Now that you say so, there IS afly. But still, not quiet as visible - and by far ! - as in the other one... it doesn't act here as the main subject at all, whereas, in a way, it was in the other upload. Cheers.
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I like this better than the crop. I think both need some added grittiness--hesitate to say sharpness because that isn't what I mean. I would like to see some of the paint standing out from the surface, so that you can almost reach out and peel a piece away.


I think some local contrast enhancement also adds some pop to this--try USM radius 50, strength 20, clipping 0 and see if you like it. Just some suggestions--I think it looks great with just some slight tweaks.

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USM adjustment will be carefully considered before printing. Noise isn't really a problem because there are no large monochrome areas like a sky, but I agree that it could be easily overdone. I probably went too far in the crop, but not far enough here. I'll try your suggested settings and see what it looks like. Thanks.
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Great collection Carl (finally had a chance to revisit). I like the fact that each time I visit your work I find a different set of favourites! This would be one of those in this folder, althoug I have to say I actually enjoyed it more before the fly was pointed out...
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In addition to dumpster rust, probably green machine and locked are my other favourites in this folder. I discovered I had commented on locked previously, but find I now prefer it with the door after all.
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