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Nude and Erotic

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It's funny, it seams that MEN have to state their own sexuality (proven and 110% heterosexual) to be able to look at, or comment on a nude male picture. I am glad that this is not the case when it comments to women. The world being flooded by nude pictures of women would make it impossible for a women to say anything else then constantly repeating that they are heterosexual all the time, making it impossible to have a conversation about other things :-) . Why is it that we can have so many pictures of nude females and rate them and say this is art, and as soon as we find a picture of a male body part we have this debate :-) . Is the male species so threatened by it? Just a thought. Oh I forgot to mention, I am totally and 110% sexual :-) .


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Maybe parts of the female virtue is based on beauty and looks while for men it is less concerned. In mens magazine there are beautyful naked and semi naked women, look at womens magazine you see the same kind of images. Women looks at women and identify with it or aspire to become it, men are more individualistic and often tries to disaocciate with it. YOu can ahve any pictures of nake women and people will enjoy looking at it with interest regardless it is from men or women.
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I still wish photo.net had a "Technical Ability" type of rating next to aesthetics and originality. At least we could all agree that the photographer did a great job of putting the subject on paper (whether you'd want to hang it on your wall or not is a different thing). Bravo for sharing the pic!
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Guest Guest


oddly enough and with the fact I do not carry a penis in my pocket I knew what this was :)


Do you realize for a photo of a penis I believe the actual word has only been used approx 3 times and 2 of them in this post. I think this photos shows us alot about our hangups.



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That photo of your tool is pretty original and tastefully done Bill. Did you get a crick in your neck while undertaking this assignment?
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That's a really interesting still life of a penis! I can explain the low ratings in a few words -- but people would probably start calling me something really stupid like a "feminazi" or something.


I think what works is all the silk moves in one direction and is really smooth, and the actual texture of the penis itself is "broken up" and creates a very sharp contrast to the texture, while maintaining a smoothness to the whole linear flow of the image. Your cropping worked out wonderfully too.

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" I would have to agree." -Steve Sheppard -


Steve, -you are a chicken:) Shouldn't let yourself suppressed.


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I actually don't like how the subject is not in focus while the fabric is. I'd rather the who picture is softened up with the subject sharper than the fabric.

Not that I find this extremely visually appealing, yet this is indeed original and opens up a completely new horizon, mindset and issue that artists and photographers should have their mind spinning around. This photograph is first of it's kind and should aspire us the gender stereotype that this post modern society is in.

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In my earlier post I mentioned that I was heterosexual for two purposes: 1) to refute prior conclusions that the low ratings were from homophobic men; and 2) to remark that although the subject matter wasn't a first interest to me, I nonetheless thought that the photograph worked both technically and to be thought-provoking to the viewer.


Being a newcomer, I have noticed the large disparity between the number of nude female vs nude male photos. Yet at the same time, I see thoughtful photographers going to great lengths to do justice to the female form, whereas many of the male photos seem to have come from the "Whip it out and take a picture" school of thought.

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Pleasingly aesthetic portrayal of a penis & cloth,

mebbe as the other poster suggested it could use either more DOF (which would probably mean keeping awfully still for a long exposure) or a general overaall softness.

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This is actually one of the few more creative male nudes I've ever seen! Female nudes are overly done to the point where there are no shock values left. This still invokes both positive and negative reactions in people... if that's not Art, I don't know what is :) Good job!
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Is that a technical term?


I dunno... I found it mysterious and compelling when I was looking at the thumbnail, but once, uh, blown up, I'm less sanguine about it.


Hey, that's why there are horse races, right?



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LOL at Marvin. Struck me funny.


Have always wondered why there are so few male nude photos on this site. The male body is no less beautiful than the female. A bit more focus on the subject would have been nice, otherwise, I can't find anything to criticize.

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Hey Laura, do you own a Canon 300D?

the picture looks out of focus a bit dont you think? I am surorise you can judge the texture. Kind of bring back memory of the "flipper" image of the Loch Ness monster.

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I was trying not to go here, but the male body is equally as artist as the female, however it isn't exploited as often as the female. I'll say again, I think it's lovely. I find the image very refreshing. I'm quite tired of T & A! Congratulations Bill, for stirring up so much controversy. The negative comments PROBABLY came from some insecure people.
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I think much of the problem with male nudes that the general public find offensive about is because male genitals are on the outside and any frontal nudity will expose his genitals. However female nudity become commonly accepted because her genitals are inside and cannot be readily seen, she only expose her pubic area but thats about all. Many women writers often complained about not enough male nudes in hollywood films compared to female nudity but they had conveniently ignored that we never really see a vagina in mainstream movies due to the reason above even though penises can be seen in a rare occasions. Despite some negative reaction from some posters of an image of a penis I think to be fair you also get similar negative reactions if there is an image of a women with her legs parted showing her opened vagina.
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"I think much of the problem with male nudes that the general public find offensive about is because male genitals are on the outside and any frontal nudity will expose his genitals..."

I see your point, Gianfranco, and it's true. And I know everyone has his/her own perception concerning this. You made me think a bit more about this issue. It is for the very reason that you stated, [that a man's frontal nudity exposes his genitals, sans 'special posing'], that I personally am not offended or repulsed at a picture of a penis. He's naked? *Bam*, there it is! However, a woman spreading her legs feels more 'personal', and 'intimate' to me. I think there is a reason why there are so many ageless sculptures of nude men, where the penis isn't hidden; (and as far as I know), no nude sculptures of women with their legs open.


"Despite some negative reaction from some posters of an image of a penis I think to be fair you also get similar negative reactions if there is an image of a women with her legs parted showing her opened vagina..."

Errr... not really. Saw one recently, followed by comments like "Nice smile", and "Beautiful". There was no eruption of controversy.

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Its might be because most posters here are men? Though you will find in general people are more shocked of images of vaginas than penises.

I think there are definately more images of male genitals on TV and films than females ones even though female nudity are more common in the past and are now restricted to specialist channels you will find these days there are more male nudities (and genitals) on mainstream media. We should really be campaigning for more showing of female vulvas to address the balance.

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Okay, I have been reading this thread for a week now laughing more than half the time.

So I guess it's time for me to stick my head into the game so to speak. :-)

Willy's, winkies, ding dongs, pricks, penises, dicks, John Thomas's, or whatever else you call it. It is flesh man. Flesh is flesh. His or hers, parts is parts.

Personally I would like to see the subject matter centered a little lower in the frame.

Original, and thought provoking. You go boy. 5/6

P.S. Ringo, as my name implies I spend much of my time in churches, temples and synogogues. Open mindedness is a state of being, not religion.

When viewing the human form (male or female) think of two simple things. Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. 1:31 And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.

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