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Taken after sunset prior to the moon rising. The falls are 101 feet high. ISO 400 f/14 30 seconds.

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 Taken on my recent visit to Devil's
Postpile State Park just outside of Yosemite near Mammoth Lakes. I
wasn't planning on visiting the falls (I'd never seen them) but on a
whim decided to make the 3 mile hike. The forest surrounding the area
was burnt a few years ago, and I found on my return it makes for an
eerie walk by moonlight. Any ideas or suggestions are always

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Very nice Anthony,

The water looks beautiful.

But I think maybe you should have climbed onto that ledge and cut the tree out of the way of the waterfall...just kiddin ;-)

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I thought the same thing, but unfortunately, I forgot my handsaw. I did get as far as I could out on the parapet. The first shots have much more tree visible.


Wish I would have went earlier in the day just to have seen it. There was a crude stone stairway down to the water, but I wasn't about to risk it in the dark. Mind you, nothing in this picture was visible - other than the falls - to the naked eye. It was dark.

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You know I think it wouldn't work well without it though anyway. Did you do a long exposure? The light is very nice, must have been beautiful.
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Good to see something of you again, or did I miss a lott? I do sometimes.


I like this, i am thinking about a beautifull white satin substance,


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I was hiding out Els... that and out taking pictures. Summertime, you know? Lot's of stuff coming up too. =)
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I tried some different crops (left, right, left and right), but they just don't work like yours does with the trees showing. Glad you posted this one - very nice lighting for being so dark and the water's milkiness is not overkill.
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I agree the tree needs to be there. plus its erosion control.


I find it very nice.


ps- nice new portrait. was that one of your souveniers?

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There's a nother version with even more tree if you guys like it so much ;-) Thanks to all of you.


Knicki, I've been changing my portrait several times. They were all from the recent excursion. D'you see the bloody one from when I fell in the river? Happened the first day we were there. Saved my camera though~!



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Yes, saw the bloodied one. Good to save the camera. I have a bloodied shot too. ;)



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Nice waterfall, @nthony! There seems to be a lack of light on the overall scene though. Read about the trip back in the dark, so this must have been quite late in the day. However, could it be that I'm totally wrong and you shot this under the light of the Moon, just two days before the Full Moon phase?
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Michele - I made several exposures at various apertures, but this one, at f/14 was my favorite. The first few were on the bank further right and the tree was blocking over half of the falls, so I moved to this location.


Thank you Pnina, always nice to hear from you.


Peter, it was taken shortly before 9 pm. The moon was rising at the time, but it was nowhere near high enough to acually alight the depth of this gorge. This was taken purely by ambient light. The actual full moon was 2 nights away.

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Thanks Ken. I like it too.


It's pretty soft Andy, but short of bringing along a portable sun I couldn't help it. It was the proper exposure for the conditions. I barely did anything to this picture post exposure.

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