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park railings


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beautiful, and this has mood.. my eye sort of takes a nice stroll in light and shadows, while lingering quite a bit around those spiky tips of the iron fence against the bright bg just below t.r.corner.. nice one.
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I was thinking about this last night. First thought when I saw it was: The Stand-off, two foes, opposed, neither budging. Later, one is iron, the other wood. One complex assemblage of many, the other singular. A few dead leaves in between.


The lines of composition are well placed, and the two adversaries meet at the convergence.



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Sorry for odd syntax. Learning to use new critique interface featuring neither editing, nor deleting. Less words used, less chance for error.
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Thanks Doug. "Stand Off". That's vey good, and I hadn't thought of the analogy before. There is something of the warrior in the railings. With those tiny, curving spearheads facing out towards the encroaching hulk of tree.
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I love the brooding mass of tree trunk and the way it dominates the whole lhs of this composition, with the sky daring to show itself through the dappled lace of the leaves.


I like it too because it is hanging on my wall at home and it makes me realise what a lucky guy I am having a mate like Phil who takes cracking photographs (albeit very slowly) and presents them to you ready framed....and then doesn't tell you how much you owe him!

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'what a lucky guy I am having a mate like Phil'

Yunno, funnily enough I've had the very same thoughts. Hey, may be it's why the pickie came without an invoice!

Cheers PJ

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