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Tripod. Levels, USM and curves adjustments done in PS 7.0.

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It was raining, stormy and windy but I thought the light was worth the inconvenience of walking to the end of the jetty -under those weather conditions - to get the image.

Do you think the effort was justified?

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Tambien opino lo mismo, el cielo tan amenazador es increible. Veo la imagen un poco caida a la izda ?o soy yo?. Buena perspectiva, que con una persona sentada en el muelle haria una foto de fabula.
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Me atrevo a asegurar que la caida a la derecha es un efecto optico. Y respecto a lo de la persona, es cierto. Pero la unica disponible era yo!
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The heavy blanket sky and the colors of the sky, water and the buildings are amazing, really awesome. However, the composition is quite distracting - the small car parkinglot on the left and the rocky edge are starkly undetailed and in plain light.


The contrast among the profound atmosphere and the simple urban architecture with its color, and then the drab parking lot edge - you know, the pieces seem so catastrophically opposed in this image. Maybe that makes it a very powerful image, but I think it's accidental. It has the rule of thirds, and the active diagonals, but it's just so strange. There's a lot to learn from this collage.

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Wish I was there... Intense mood and very dramatic lights. Great capture, Alberto! Cheers,
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The Composition makes a nice angel, that takes you into the photo, and to the far away houses.Wel done. Pnina
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It was I bet you enjoyed.

good photo I like the way you "filled" the corners.

I think the apparent tilt to the right that charo mentions is because the sea is not the horizon but a line not parallel to the frame

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