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Again the the abandoned village of Romagnano al Monte

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This village seems very lovely (I think this is not the first photo of it you show us), and you have known how capture its charm and warmth.
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Ok, just wondering, I'm seeing a lot of comments that hold no value except to trump one's ego.. I'm not trying to bring down anyone's ego here, but I just think I bit of constructive criticism could be very helpful here. Say, time of day, this photo would probably really pop if the time of day was closer to sunrise or sunset. Also, unless this is an abandoned village, it would be nice to see someone in the picture doing something, standing on a balcony, walking through the arch way, anything. Also, if you could find something to create more depth to this shot, such as something closer to the viewer in the foreground...

anyway, I think there is potential here, but definitely not a 7/7 shot... sorry, just trying to help you to score better pictures, rather than being happy with a bunch of ego boosting and no creative comments whatsoever.

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Well done Maria, your colour in this is so much better than previous submissions. I love the shadows and the delicacy of the plants in the forground. Your composition is handled well too.

I imagine because of the age of the buildings they are not straight, I rather like older buildings with their angles a little off. In all quite a charming scene.

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Looks like a sence from a by gone era. What makes this photo intresting is that it produces emotional response of compassion for humanity without use of any human characters. It make one wonder...Does and can anyone live here? If so, under what conditions? Well done!!
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I think its a good shot and it could have been wonderful with a different quality of light, probably late evening or early dawn light.
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This creates a feel of waiting for me, waiting for something or someone. My eye investigates. If this was taken a little later in the day it would be perfect.
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hi it really looks like a subject for painting.. i suggest the image should go further on right. although right side texture is adding form in the picture but the texture on left balcony wall could be more interested and you can have more shadows of upper roof
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Romagnano al Monte was abandond in couse of a disastruos heathquake, magnitude about 8 of Richter. It was an little ancient village builted on the top af a mountain, in the Appennini. The houses are very close one to the other, so, the the hearthquake happened, a lot of this house was not completaly distroied, leaning one to the other, but the insise was down or half down. The one in best condition is not repairable. So the village was rebuilted in a different place, at about three chilometers from the original. To see better the condicion of the most of the village see at the photos http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?topic_id=1481&msg_id=008dke&photo_id=2470730&photo_sel_index=0 and http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?topic_id=1481&msg_id=008b1p&photo_id=2458042&photo_sel_index=1
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Once again I am at a loss to explain the warm reception given to this photo. It looks like a record "I was there" snapshot to me, the type any tourist with a reasonable camera would take, while ambling around the town looking for a place to eat lunch. Most tourists would at least have put their spouse and kids into it -- and that might have added a little interest.


Probably, taken in the middle of the day, there is no special light. Indeed, the photo is too contrasty, with the left side almost over-exposed. Anybody who has wandered around the hill villages of Provence or Italy has seen this scene dozens of times and taken dozens of pictures like this. Access to quaint Italian villages is not something that everybody has, but it is more of a touristic achievement than a photographic one.


Almost the only thing unusual about this photo are the rave reviews it has received, which, again, don't do the photographer any favors. Judging from other works in her portfolio, this photographer has some talent. Let's hope she doesn't lose it under the influence of all this nonsensical praise for some very average pictures that she persists in uploading along with the good ones.


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A very cursory check shows a very serious mate-rating problem here; friends of Maria and Maria herself literally giving each other 7/7 on images that might as well be blank entries...
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I wrote a long post and put up one version already. It had too much contrast, and this one might, too.


I know that there was an earthquake, but I think that there is too much lean.


I think that it could be improved with more processing, but I still think that the shot is fundamentally sound and worthy of the pair of sixes that I gave it. Sevens? No.


In any case, Maria, please accept this upload as merely suggestive of what kinds of things might be done to try to salvage the best from this photo.


This alley is definitely worthy of another visit or two, in my opinion.

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Sorry, Alberto! I tried to get the other down and this one up as fast as possible, but you beat me to the mark. The first version I uploaded had too much contrast. I still think that it could be processed a lot better than I have done.
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