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© Leping Zha 2001, all rights reserved

Fallen Leaves and a Fallen Birch Trunk


135mm f/4 Pentax SMC lens, Tiffen 81B filter, 1 second at f/32.


© Leping Zha 2001, all rights reserved

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The only thing missing in this photo, for me, is that it seems like the colors just don't jump quite as much as they could, especially since it was an overcast day (or appears it was). Wonderful composition - nice diversity of color in the leaves. (NOTE: I just checked out your autumn photo folder - beautiful work!)
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I love this one. Reminds me of living in NY. Coors are excellent and th overall effect is nice. Photography that sturs emotion is what it's all about - this one sturred up some memories from the past.
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Very pretty shot. But on my monitor the colors seem more like NPH than what I would expect from Velvia. Nice, but not much pop as I usually see with this film, especially with these colors. One question: Why 1 second at f/22? What was the reason for choosing this combination?
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In about three weeks, 90% of populated Canada will offer compositions like this (or better) at every corner and camera shops all over the land will be flooded with equivalent snapshots. POW?


BTW--the photographer has presented us with better efforts than this, so once again it's really the elves that are to blame.


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I like the colors in this photograph - very realistic and satisfying. What's not satisfying for me is its composition. My eyes randomly wander around the photo with no focus or interest to anything in particular. It leaves me feeling kind of flat -- pretty colors but not much else.
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Ok, fess up. How long did you spend spraying everything down with glycerin/water for the pic?

All joking aside, I really do enjoy this image. It seems the last couple of POW's have been given extra consideration on their simplicity and minimalism - which I adore.

There is just enough limit on the elements in the photo to not border on distraction, while enough to provide a sense of relationship and context.

As for the colour. Whoa now. This is beautiful man. Step back for a second from the spoiled-ness of Velvia and really look at the harmony of the tones and how they practially sing out the season.

Sure, it could use more colour, but who needs another blinding eye-sore of an over-saturated and un-life-like rendition of such a natural scene. (Oh wait, you didn't set this up did you?)

I would like to see a photo essay on this same location and composition from all 4 seasons of the year. Maybe an idea for next year?

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I like the fact that the colors are a little muted. I primarily do inkjet prints from scanned negatives, and was tending toward saturated colors but lately I've been really enjoying them more pulled back. This is a nice example of that.
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"In about three weeks, 90% of populated Canada will offer compositions like this (or better) at every corner and camera shops all over the land will be flooded with equivalent snapshots."

Sounds like Vuk believes that this photo is of professional quality and is good enough to sell throughout Canada. I wholeheartedly agree. Nice work.

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This photo says "I found some pretty leaves near a fallen tree." If that is all it takes for POW, I've got a picture or two of an entire tree with pretty leaves on it. Agreed, it's a nice picture, composed well, but there is so much more on this site that deserves POW that gets ignored.


This was my first $.02.

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Nice shot! Hey moderators I have been noticing alot of griping lately about the choices you make for POW. Just a thought but how about you guys decide on five shots and then let us the viewing, using members of Photo.net vote on POW from your five choices.
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John: Griping about the POW is a photo.net tradition. It results from the fact that the aim of the elves is not necessarily to choose the image that most "deserves" recognition, but one that will provoke discussion. Or one that is topical or an exemplar of a genre that hasn't been recognized for a while.


In this case, although it is a pleasant image, I think its selection is somewhat a disservice to Leping Zha, who is one of the photographers on photo.net whose work I most admire.


Unfortunately this image -- while better than the postcard cliche to which Vuk compares it -- is not the one I would choose from Leping Zha's portfolio to represent his wonderful work. At least its selection will lead people to look at this work, if his high standing has not already done so.


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Congratulations. I enjoyed much of every picture in your portfolio. Colors are unbelievable. Your using of the Tiffen 81B filter inspired me. I thought the type of vivid colors could only be achieved via Lee's color enhancing glass. Your choice is good and less expensive! Did you by any chance used a color meter in these pictures?
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Mr Zha I have spent some time in your portfolio admiring your work. You are a great - I don't think this is your most dynamic but I like it very much. This is my first comment and rating - I'm pleased its on your pic.
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Interesting choice for composition. I had to look at it for a while to decide what I really felt about it. Fall pictures can be used to envoke many emotions. It is a time of transition and as such rather complex. This picture's composition is equally complex and an intersting choice for POW.


When I see pretty, colorful Fall leaves, it leaves me usually feeling nice, but this picture has something unsettling to it, the decaying birch limb. The juxtaposition of these elements is very interesting. It reminds the viewer of the transitory nature of the beauty of these leaves. From dust we came and to dust we return. Some photographers choose to show the death side of fall, by showing the baren trees or brown leaves, but this photo does more than that. The placement of the decaying birch limb balances the leaves and does not overwhelm them. The beauty of the leaves is also still there, so the picture isn't overly depressing.


Also, the limb cuts the frame diagonally imparting a sense of dynamicism, but the photo is obviously of a forest floor, so it is static. The leaves are begining to cover the limb, giving a hint as to the limb's future. We know that the leaves got there by falling from a tree, dynamic, but are now at rest on the floor, static. The only thing that would have added to this picture is an acutal falling leaf. Gives me some ideas for interesting treatment of Fall, if the leaves around here ever change.


Great portfolio. The standard Fall shots are very nice, but I think this one was a good choice because of its complexity. Another good one would have been the one with frost on it. That hints at the coming Winter, another complex shot, but not quite as complex.

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Wonderful photograph and equally great portfolio! Also the details you give about your shots helps appreciate them better and are a great help to beginners like me to understand the technique and efforts that went behind the shot. Not many photographers do it. Thanks !!
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I'm usually pretty receptive to the elves choice of POW, but this leaves me with a yawn. Sorry.


I could (and have) taken this picture -- and I don't consider myself a POW-worthy photographer.

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