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A State of Mind



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Good choice NOT to add a border, I like it. Expression adds excitement, great take on theme too IMO. Glad there is a slight twist in the helmut giving it some depth, and allowing our imaginations to finish the picture.
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I like it too, and I'm with Matt on the no-border element. A pity that the shot is a bit hot on nose and (mainly right) cheek.


Though here the wind is not going to do much with the hair :)


Good one!



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Very nice take on the theme - hair or no hair!


This person is obviously having fun, it's visible in the eyes and smile.


The lack of border it very creative and gives it a sort of "floaty" feel - I'm getting visions of an astronaut in space.


I'd prefer it a bit less grainy, but that's a personal thing.

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Hmm could have sworn that I already commented on this one, but alas don't see a comment. I like this very much, and think it's a very good theme fit. I do wonder whether slightly less contrast would have been better allowing some more shadow detail. Either way cool shot. Kind of looks like someone's PN portrait (style-wise).
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like this very much ... messed with it to remove contrast and add a bit of edge to it (well in my mind anyway) it has a touch of out of this worldliness so have bumped that up a bit. its a very effective shot pt

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Thanx to all for comments to date.

The lack of border was a definite plan when concieving this image. I wanted to show an experience that typified a windblown, carefree lifestyle/activity that didn't allow the hair to be blown about, as being windblown can be a state of mind as well as a literal experience!

Glad you like the twist in the helmet Matt - wanted to give a little depth.

I tried an approach to concentrate the viewer on the experience the subject (my brother) attempted to show with his expression, and so went for the high contrast treatment using a layer mask to erase the outer edge of the helmet from view.

I tried to preserve detail everywhere, Tom and Thomas, and on the original file there is! Could PN jpeg compression be removing detail? The web version certainly shows a lack of detail compared to my PC version so that is all i can assume.

The grainy feel is, i think Dominique, due to the channel mixing i used. I have noted before that skin tones tend to become grainy and it is something i will certainly have to look at in future when i convert to mono.

Like your treatment Liv, although i don't feel it is something that is just suited for this image. It makes it look like a poor definition TV screen IMO. How did you do it if i may ask?

Once more thanks for PTicipating!!

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I loaded the previous comment under my own name rather than PT as i had two IE windows open at the time. I then spent a fruitless ten mins trying to delete it but getting server failure errors all the time.


Sorry all!

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I like this a lot--great high key approach. I love how the white helmet merges into the background. It's as though his world is wide-open and he's ready for adventure. Great shot!
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Reminds me of an older Dutch advertisment for chewinggum I think. "It couldn't get much fresher was the slogan" I like the washed out helmet and the face that realy "screams". Pearcing eyes. Intense. Good shot.
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