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Romantic passion

maria conversano

I was near the beach, just for see the sea and to fell the beautiful sweet wind and thare ware this twoo persons that captured my attention. Thay looks like to be alone, one immers in the other. Sweet and beautiful! So i takes some photos.

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Composizione azzeccatissima (蠳empre difficile non cedere alla tentazione di "centrare" i soggetti). Tutto comunica equilibrio in questo scatto. Stai diventando sempre pi� brava. Ciao.
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piu' la guardo e piu' sensazioni ci vedo dentro, penso questo, al di la' della tecnica impeccabile, sia il suo fascino. molto bella
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Great capture, Maria!! i love the comp. and the pose in this pic. this is a happy shot:)


Thanks, allon.

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Guest Guest


even I find this romantic. great capture. I bet they would love a copy.



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Not a bad capture, but of course highly cliche as a subject and I can hardly see something that would set it apart from hundreds of similar stills taken of the same subject. On the technical side, nothing too impressive, but of course this is a spontaneous shot which makes the technical shortcomings understandable.


Decent shot, I would say slightly above your average vacation snap. I don't really understand what all those raving reviews posted above are on about. I see lots of perfect/perfect ratings and epic-spirited comments. I must be missing something.

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A mio umile avviso, l'originalita' della tua foto l'avere inserito un cosi' dolce momento, magari piu' volte visto, ma non all'interno di un sfondo cosi' tormentato, il mare tumultuoso, ricreando quasi quel contrasto, tra bene e male, che caratterizza e diversifica ogni giorno della nostra vita. Che dici?


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Maria, if you post your photos on an open critique forum and ask for critique, then you should be prepared to accept it. If you don't want to accept critique, then you should keep your photos to yourself or share them privately with friends.


On another note, I never claimed that my photos are in any way better than yours. My right to post a critique and the validity of my opinion do not depend on the quality of my photos. The mere fact that you talk about my portfolio in comparison to yours as a response to critique, goes to prove that you haven't got a clue regarding what critique and this site are all about.


As for your sauvinist/racial slurs, there is little comment to be made. The tone, statements and mode of insult that you use only stand as proof of the qualities (or lack thereof) of the speaker.

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...not that sharp and the colors are way off. There's some peculiar shading dropoff at the bottom of the image and right at the top, showing that some incomplete adjustment was made, resulting in a poor color shift with way too much green and loss of detail. Working the image carefully in PS recovers some of the color shift, but I can't recover the resolution. With your indulgence see my image with some "couleur" put back in. Please accept this as a valid critique.

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I don't know, John. Your colors don't look quite right to me, either. This could take a real expert and a lot of time to get just right--as well as someone who really knows the color of the water there at this time of the year.
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Guest Guest


I much like your version John... tones and grain make me feel nostalgic of the 1960's ... Sean Connery and Ursula Andress on the beach of Dr No's island!!... I would even try go squarer.

I find the original version is a bit dull IMO ...

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A very romantic capture indeed Maria. I also appreciate that the couple is not dead center here. The detail in the background waves also add to the atmosphere in my opinion.


I also believe there is room for a measure of improvement here as well. My main suggestion would be regarding the colors. There appears to be a strong yellow/green cast throughout the image. Is it perhaps by choice, to maybe add to the mood here? That is possible. If you continued to play with the color scheme just a bit more you might be able to make this even better. Or, have you considered desaturating this in photoshop? This scene would really work well in B&W. (John's attachment has nice nice tones, and has an exceptional mood, but the highlights appear to be blown out entirely...can you fix that?). Either way, while this is a nice image even as is, I think you have the potential for one thats even better. Just my opinion, I see many like it just like it sits!


PS- It might not be a bad idea to keep the critique on the IMAGE here, rather than on the people that have come to visit the image. Know what I mean? ...Aloha!



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I tried some alternate solutions, but it is too pixelized...My recommendation to Maria would be to not use such grainy film, scan the negative and not manipulate it to "green-ness"
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John, Vincent and Amelie, really thanks for you suggestion and time. I like it a lot and appreciate. For the fact of the colors, i knaw that the sea do not appare af a beautiful blue, but, unfortunately, in Salerno, that is Tirreno sea (not atlantic or Adriatic)the sea is in this bad color, a sort of yellow, blue and green, most of all when he is engry. So, i'm sorry for me amd for all the people that lives in Salerno, but, unfortunately, the sea and the beach is not really beautiful. Thare is a place, more in south, with rocs and a wonderful blue sea and in protected by WWF. But, during a day at home, working with my computer, i went only for see the sea and fell the wind. Just for fue minutes. But now i'll tray to do somethink with ps.
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