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This is not at all what the assignment is suggesting to me. But I've never been very good at deciphering some of the more difficult messages, so I'll (lazily) wait till the theme fit is revealed.


The photo doesn't evoke feelings of loneliness either: I see a girl in a zoo or farm and a sleepy animal. I'm afraid that's all.


Can't say much more for the moment.

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Ummm... to me this is little more than an over-processed snapshot, PT, sorry.


Compositionally, this is too busy for me. More narrow DOF moght have helped. The pole draws too much attention - it is so prominent it leads the eye... to ... nothing, really.


Shot on a sunny day, always difficult to avoid harsh and disturbing shadows - in this case the shadows add to the clutter.


Theme fir - Idon't get it. But that could be me.


As for the processing. I strongly feel that if post-processing does not add to a shot, the post processing should not be done. In this shot I do not see what got added by the PS work.


Sorry to sound so negative here, PT. I would be interested in PT's motivations behind this, both content-wise and for the choice of PS work. It's not because I don't get it or don't like it that it's a bad shot.


My 2cts - feel free to disagree,



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So far Dominique and Tom have commented on their detachment from the photograph. That's a good start.
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I also don't get the theme fit here. To me, this is the exact opposite of what the theme suggests. To me the quote is about the freedom of summer, where as this invokes feelings of being caged. I also must agree with the comments regarding the post processing.
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At first I thought the little girl had some horrible disease, but then I realized it was just some really bizarre PS work. I actually haven't decided whether I like it or not. First reaction was negative (or "detached" - I love that!), but I do think it's growing on me.
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Interesting choice of PS filter. I'll have to try it myself one day. But I'm not sure this picture is the one to use it on. I don't see the theme tie-in. In fact, other than the fact that the animal is in a cage and the girl is not looking at it, I don't see how it fits the title either.

If I was going to change something with the photo, I would have cropped out the pole on the right and put more of the girl into the frame.

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dont really get themefit in this but as my take ... would like to see the girl in shot with wind blown hair in a countryside/outdoor setting and same effect ...think that might look obvious for theme but good.
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This one doesn't fit the theme for me. Perhaps PT is trying to connect us to the caged animal's desire, but I'm stretching . . .. Technically, the photo has a lot of problems: blown-out highlights, uncomfortable crop of the girl, and overall really harsh lighting. And what's up with the girl's eyes--she looks like she's morphoing into an alien.
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