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© (c) Colin Henwood 2001

A Rose says......



© (c) Colin Henwood 2001

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This is one of my first pictures, It got a good rating on lesser

photo site. I wondered how it would fair here.

Good or Bad I would love to read your opinions.

Thankyou for your time


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Colin, one of my pet peeves is images that are too big to be seen in one screenful. Having said that, this is a very nice image, except for a bit of over-exposure at the 12 o'clock position. Nice example of the flower, nicely composed and lit (except for the above-mentioned over-exposure) and correctly focussed.
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You need to resize your pics for this forum so that we can view them properly.


You also need to blur the background as it is a bit distracting. You could also lose the petals from the other flowers that are in the front right. They are simply distracting and would take 2 mins to remove in PS or similar.


Otherwise it is a nice rose pic.



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I agree with Brian about the background but disagree about the flower petals in the lower right corner. They provide a contrast to the rose and remind us just how different a rose is from the "lesser" flowers.


In fact, I might have recomposed this shot to include more of that flower to increase the tension between the two.

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