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Castle of La Iruela


Tripod. Levels, USM and curves adjustments done in PS 7.0.

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thanks a lot, once again, for your support. That day I got up very early (which meant no breakfast until I got back to the hotel after hunting the elusive light) and was granted with a sunrise with some clouds and a fog in the valley. The scenery, in any case, is breathtaking and my challenge was to be up to its grandness.
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I love the way the shape of the sky is almost a perfect inverted echo of the castle. Not a single thing would I change about this one, with exception, me behind the lens. Sorry I missed this one earlier, still trying to catch up, jet lag I think. :)
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He visitado tu galeria y es una autentica obra de arte, todas las fotografias me parecen buenisimas.Enhorabuena Alberto
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Ese contraste del bonito colorido con el monocromo, te ha salido de maravilla. Y no digo m᳠porque me llaman para cenar. Un abrazo, amigo!
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Really, I don't understand why you would delete it from your folder. I think you are joking. In my opinion this is one of your better photos, and the other members think the same thing.
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i wasn't at all sure about my decission to convert to grayscale the background. It was the first time for me to atttempt at such "transgression" of the established aesthetics rules.

Now i realize that I should venture more often into newer grounds...

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No se' si te has dado cuenta o no, pero esta's fomentando un turismo rural que no veas eh. Tengo tantos sitios que ahora quiero visitar que no se' si habran horas en el dia para conseguirlo todo! (has pensado en venderlas a la junta? he visto folletos que dan pena, pero con fotos como esta...!) Buen trabajo como tantas otras veces
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Elegante y misteriosa, has realizado una composici�n �nica y creativa. Muy buenos contrastes y con una definici�n excelente. Felicidades. Sigfrid.
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What you say might be right! But to do that i should have time available to market my photos!

Creeras que el mismo dia que salia de viaje a dormir en Cazorla para despues pasar una semana en Malaga trabajando y sin tiempo ni para salir del hotel me llamaron de la revista "Paisajes desde el tren" (la que reparte la RENFE en el AVE) para que les diese fotos de castillos de Jaen! No pude! No las tenia preparadas y me tenia que ir! Oportunidad perdida de conseguir un reportaje publicado!

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Callados, abatidos, los ferreos castillos

levantanse medrosos al lado de la mar...

Sin balas, ni canyones, ni guardas, ni caudillos,

cegados ya los fosos y rotos los rastrillos,

no entonan en la noche su indomito cantar.


Las luces del fogueo no alumbran las troneras;

desiertas las terrazas, en ruina el torreon,

no flotan ya en los aires purpureas banderas,

ni cruzan por las aguas, erguidas y ligeras

las naves enemigas de osado pabellon.



Victor Zurita Soler (1886-1939). "La cancion de los castillos"


Bella foto, evite las tildes para que no pongan las interrogaciones. ;) Saludos.



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Dear Alberto, I write this in English both for ease of comprehension by the PN community as well as loath for the newly imposed ban on extended characters. What an extraordinary counterpoint between the moody landscape and mysterious castle, shrouded in fog, and the splendid field of wild flowers. Commendable that you chose to portrait this in full color whereas my somber attitude would have looked for a tonal composition in B&W. Thst, of course, would have lost the beautiful bi-polar effect.
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Alberto, for some reason the site does not seem to be accepting the accented Spanish letters. I wanted to write something stronger than "mucho" but the accented "i" appeared as a question mark.


I was wondering if this were a deliberate enforcement of a monolingual policy by the Elves.

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Much to my regret I'm afraid it's a monolingual imposition.

Looking at it from another point of view, using the modern lingua franca might be helpful for an extended understanding...

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How wonderfull to look over your portfilo of Castles. We love castles! My son and I liked shooting the castles and the Roman ruins in Italy very much. You have some great shots that I will enjoy viewing. Your going on my people to watch list. Great job.
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Stunning! Even with the beautiful flowers in the foreground and the castle in the distance, the castle overplays all other elements which are forced to take a back seat under the powerful fist of the castle.
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a keeper.

the dissociation between an ordinary but colorful foreground field and the desaturated castle gives a dream license to what otherwise would be an ordinary postcard shot. works for me.

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