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Watch out PT, this looks like a conceptual shot sneaking into the "trigger" folder. Something not looked upon too fondly as I've found out myself. Personally, I don't mind the broader interpretations, but be forwarned...


I think I recognize the style and the interpretation here, and am trying to like the shot. In the end though, I just don't find anything intriguing enough in this old carcass to really pull me in. My personal creativity has been a bit stifled by all of the changes going on in my life, and am finding it hard to even make a suggestion for improvement. This of course is more a problem of mine than yours. I would say that I think if the tire (or tyre as you may say) may need to take a little more prominence if it is to be the subject of the shot as hinted by the title. That said, seeing more of the tire wouldn't really do much for me either. I do like the toning, and could see this working as part of a series, but alone leaves me a bit flat (pardon the pun).

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Well, seems that the "good years" of this vehicle are long gone by ... I'm still trying to work out the theme fit and the only thing I've come up with is not too flattering for Seven (the person)! I'm fairly confident that I'm wrong though.


On the photo itself, contrary to Thomas I don't really like the toning. I find it too green, but perhaps that fits with the decay idea? I'd like the photo to be more gritty in mood, if possible (not sure how). I find that the lighting emphasises the structures and in doing so prevents us from seeing the textures. But I'll reserve overall judgement until the theme fit is more obvious to me.

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Me too doesn't get it. Though I will say that a broad interpretation of the assigment does not bother me at all.


Apart from that, let's critique it as just a photo. Erm... I think the main problem here is the lack of (or uncertainly about) a clear subject. For one thing, the shot is rather cluttered. The shadows don't help here - re-shooting on an overcast day might help in that respect.


If the tyre is the subject, then it does not stand out enough. Playing with DOF might help fix that, but then you would loose the concept of the old tractor (or whatever vehicle it is). The toning gives the shot a passee-look, but by lack of understanding what the shot is about it's hard to judge whether the toning works. Agree with Dominique that the toning is rather greenish (but again, difficult to judge whether that is appropriate or not).


So.... until I get it I cannot give this one a firm thumbs up. Just my humble opinion of course - feel free to disagree.



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I wish I could feel free to disagree - I do hate to go along with the crowd - but there it is: I don't get the take on the theme, I find the green off-putting, and the photo is too cluttered and lacking in clear subject. So why am I even commenting? I don't know. Shut up, Michael, and go home.
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The image was meant to inflict a feeling of remembrance of days gone by. Good Year represents the good years that PT enjoyed having Seven as an active member. But now, Seven has left the group; similarily the truck has left it's body, leaving only the tires and frame. Is this making any sense???
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Michael, Pt can correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see in print where Pt called Picture This an old wreck. Surely the reference to dissociation is ment to be applied to Seven's act of dissociation from the group and not to the decomposition of the group itself. I also don't find a valued judgement being made here. Yes the casing of the vehicle(ie Seven's guidance and imput) has been removed but the skeleton of the machine remaines in working order. I personally don't know Seven well enough to read anything more into it. Perhaps therein lies the difficulty in the assignment for me anyway both in it's production and analysis , how to critique something so personal without first hand knowlege of the implied subject.


I am going it alone in my assertion....... I like this photo green hue and all. I'm also not bothered by the unusual angle either as the half tire implies the beginings of a change in direction in which the rest of the machine needs only to catch up to. :) Just how I see it.





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Thanks Sally for sharing in my vision, that is exactly what I intended this image to represent. Nothing more, nothing less.
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Yes, that is what I interpreted from this also PT, so your point was made.


Sally, and any others who may be struggling with this assignment, I would suggest disassociating the assignment from the person. Though the first entries have gone deeper, there is no reason you can't look at the word "seven" and shoot what comes to mind.

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Perhaps you should take your own advise Michael and create a new one .....say something with a halo slightly askew. Besides , emoticons while pedestrian can be helpful when trying to wade through all the bull shit on this site.



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The green tint doesn't bother me bit. And I like the way the tire fits into the corner of the frame. But I don't see a fit to the theme at all.


I would like to make a comment about what I don't like...and that's the childish, snippy attitude in this thread. It's surely not what I signed up for when I joined Picture This. In fact, it is exactly that kind of attitude that I sought to avoid when I stopped reading and critiquing on Photo.net's main site.

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Melissa, my apologies for offending your sensibilities. If you are interested I will explained myself further on the notice board as it is a more appropriate place to do so.



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Themefit? Well, as it has been explained i can see how you get there, but it's a very convuluted and 'tyring' journey.


The photograph itself (for me) is not very satisfying either i'm afraid. There is no central interest and the tyre is falling out of the frame. DOF doesn't help, nor the B&W treatment and the light is not at its best to reveal any texture. It could be a lot better but i think it would need a reshoot rather than just any PS messing around.



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