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Spider I


I like this macro shot of a big ugly spider, found in my friend's cupboard and moved outside.


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Great spider shot James!

I've been wanting to get one that like that for quite a while but the spiders in my corner of the world just aren't being cooperative... guess I need to feed them better ;)

a bit of constructive critiscism... take a bit more care when scanning. Most of your scans have evidence of dirt or hair on them and it distracts greatly from the quality of your work.

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Thanks, Ian - the problem is the slides come back that dusty from the processor (!). Just got a new batch back today from an out of town processor - look MUCH better dust wise. I could spend about an hour editing them out, but it's a bit of a schlep if you are uploading and scanning half a years worth of photos... =)


As for spider shots, there are a couple more in the Sunday folder. Find some relaxed spiders to take photos of - most of the big ones are pretty tolerant - just take you time approaching them.


If you really have to get a shot of one particular spider, you can cheat and take advantage of the fact they are cold blooded - stick them in a jar in the fridge for a while. (NB this is not cruel - it's equivalent to taking pictures of spiders in the winter - they can take this and it won't kill them as long as you only do it for a couple of hours). They warm up again quite fast too). This was also a rather large beast (couple of inches long). I asked someone to volunteer their hand as a spider perch (sense of scale), but they weren't interested! =)



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Please give me your thoughts on this photo.


What are its faults - is it a good image (I rather like it)?


Thanks for your time!



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You're right about the "mouth" section needing a bit more light. Unfortunately, I don't have a flash I can use to acheive things like that - I have to rely on natural light as best I can. It actually had pretty bright orangey fangs if I remember correctly.


A ring flash would be just great =)


Thanks for your comment!



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oh my!! This is real impressive!! The angle is cool & the detail of the hairs is brilliant. I like it without flash as the natural light has given a kind of bluey aura to it.
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Thanks, Geraldine (and for the high rating!).

It was taken in what they would call "open shade" hence the cool (blueish) colour to it. Had I been able to find direct sunlight, I would probably have tried that. Maybe I should make some reflectors too...


On further consideration of the underlit mouth/face - I think with more light it would look far less menacing.


This was by far the most successful of 15 or so different angles I tried; the ones I took from above were pretty mediocre (although I do kind of like one I titled "pensive spider" where it looks like it is in deep thought with its hear nearly resting on one leg, which I haven't uploaded). My housemates thought I was mad taking so many photos of one thing =) I was particularly distressed that the Art student didn't understand the need for different interpretations of a subject!!!


Thanks again.

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What a hairy, scary creature. I am beginning to understand people suffering of arachnophobia.


Good photograph, James.


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Oh man...I hate spiders! I almost can't look at it -but that is a compliment! It is a good photo, and A LOT more detailed, than I imagined! Guess I thought that I should see at a little tiny spider in it's net. Well, I got surprised! :) Scary, but you did a good job!
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