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Erik Lundh

Some Photoshop

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Performing Arts

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Beautiful colours, excellent balancing of the ambient light and the fireworks. Most people forget to include any environment in their fireworks pictures, so it is commendable that you have included not only the background but also the foreground element. However, there is one small glitch that prevents me from calling this picture a classis - it seems to me that even though the water level is straight, all the buildings in the foreground and the background are slightly tilted, which makes this otherwise harmonious picture a little disconcerting. BTW, how much Photoshop was involved?



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I can honestly say that I can't see the tilt you are referring to. I have examined this image over and over and just can't see it.

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Oh well, maybe it's just my eyes that are not straight. :)


It seems to me that the columns of the building at the right hand side (in the foreground) are not entirely vertical, but slightly tilted to the left, while the buildings in the background at the left hand side are slightly tilted to the right. Since the water level is OK, I assume that you slightly raised the tripod head, when you took the picture. I've tried doing a little perspective correction in Photoshop and it seems to help. If you have PS, try twiddling it using Edit>Transform>Perspective, moving the upper left node of the transform tool to the left.


However, overall, this is an excellent photo and my comments are just nitpicking to help you achieve perfection.



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After I knew exactly what you were talking about, I do see the tilt of the buildings. I was lookinfg for something else. I do think yours looks better and I will try that technique in the future.


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Hi Erik,

For perfectly level pictures it is best to use a shoe-mount spirit level such as this one and get it right on the spot. At least, this is what pros do.



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