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scanned negative, PS dodge/burn brightness/contrast USM

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Slightly different perspective from the last one. Flare was a

problem here. Printing is only possible for me in the wet darkroom

at 16x20 because of small dodging subject. So I scanned the neg and

tried my best to reproduce the print with my poor photoshop skills.

Comments welcome.

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Evan, I can see where you are coming from on that. My thought was that the snow on the mountains was melting, filling the lake and draining out this creek. So continuous idea. The capture with the wide angle may not be ideal. This print is a lot better in 16x20 because of the guy rigging his gear up. He's got a classic fisherman expression with a smoke and a rough sort of expression. (very nice guy in fact, and happy to have me photograph).


The contrast is not what I'd like. It's a very flat grey negative and I should have developed a bit longer I think. I've fooled with higher contrast in the darkroom but I lose the fisherman. Lots of work to be done on this one, good learning experience.

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I think I would like to se what this looks like in color. I know that B&W has its tributes. I think that the colors of Oregon are one of our main treasures. I do like this image, don't get me wrong.
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Yikes! I didn't even notice the fisherman/canoe on the right side. The area is too dark to get much detail.
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Evan, I think this one looks a bit better at about 16x20. I tried dodging heavily to bring him out, but it looks unnatural as I'm sure you can imagine. He's relegated to a supporting role in the photo...I didn't expose for him, I exposed for the landscape around him, best I could.
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I like this, particularly the way the stream leads into the lake and on to the mountains and sky. I don't feel that it is two separate photographs -- the whole feels cohesive to me. In the small web viewing size, the fisherman doesn't add much, but it would be interesting to see a large print.


Cheers, Leigh.

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Thanks Leigh. I haven't printed this one yet but it's near the top of my list. This is just a fast flatbed scan. If I remember, the fisherman needed some dodging in photoshop. Hope I can pull it off in the wet darkroom.
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