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© Copyright 2004 Digital Reflections & Jay B. Stevens

If you believe this image is below average I dare you to tell me why...;)...J


Developed in PS 7 ~ double dare... digital......;)...J


© Copyright 2004 Digital Reflections & Jay B. Stevens

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I see there is another issue going on here besides the norm so I took the time to see your other work... I Like your Work, you are a good artist, this photo feels too busy it would need a verbal statment like "oriental walks across the street by american flag" to let you know its purpose I would say that it is below avarage compared to your other work that I have seen
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It's Memorial Day 2004 Town Square USA. The "For Rent" sign on a prime corner lot is indicitive of the economy while, the most affuent looking person in the photo is oriental. Irrelevant what nationality. The point is that the stereotype of the oriental working in the uniform/laundry business is shattered by the juxtaposition of the two other women. Notice the background. The flag waiving is the symbol of hope to all those that strive to prosper and be free. anyone care to strain their brain on why the firehydrant is not in colour?


Thank You Scott for your reply. I would dissagree with the premise that this image is "below avarage compared to your other work" however as I see this piece as a different genre.


There have been some words exchanged about titles on images here.


Thank you again....;)...J


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When you explain the image, I see its qualities (and also of the previous one - "Wine Festival" which I judged superficously by estethic -not symbolic qualities, apoligies). I think both are a bit cluttered though, which makes it more differcult for me to "read" them. For instance in this picture I think the "tombstone" to the right takes on to much weight and view. Maybe also the two women in the background should have been placed slightly more spread out.


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Thank You for your response Hans.


Cluttered? Perhaps. But I like to think that The "tombstone" cut down on the busy~ness of the image.


If the women were more spread out they would probably look like a Charlies Angels Poster. But since this was not a set-up shot seperating the two women was not even remotely possible.


I think many have become so used to shallow dof and being told by the image maker what they should focus on that many lose perspective. I would compare this to music albums(cd's)where the album is just a collection of tunes rather than a statement as a whole. With a shallow dof the artist can just say, "Here is my hit, don't think about it to much because we all know your way busy."...


Thank you again Hans, I appreciate the response....;)....J

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Although the term Oriental(...of, relating to, or situated in Asia...) is out of vogue at the present time, it was used for many years to describe people of Asian descent. Much the same as calling "Indians" "Native American" today in the west. But, if you like, I will hence-forth refer to people from the Orient, "Asian". Thank You for the comment....;)...J



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I'm an Englishman but will dare to comment as if the photo was in my own fair country. The hydrant is not painted - this symbolises the lack of investment in public amenities and infrastructure ?


Any good ?

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Thank you sir, for taking on the challege of finding symbolism in the hydrant, and of course, the symbolism is relative to your perspective as you obviously know....sadly, you seem to be in the minority.


Lack of investment is a good answere.


For me and my sentiments when creating this piece I am still thinking of the past, present and future of my beloved country, the United States of America. The fire hydrant represents security. (Insurance writers love them close to your house - and you would like it as well if there was a fire around you and yours!) The Security in the USA (Patriot Act) has become shades of grey, has become surreal, has incongruously effected art, literature, film, and us as a people by means of unnatural juxtapositions and combinations. This at least, is the sybolism for me........Thank You again Irving...;)....J


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Jay hello again just checked on some older comments. Question, How does this work, I don't believe myself to be shallow, at times of course I find myself ignorant... To convey meaning, to lets say bring the viewer to an understanding of the points of the picture...shouldn't it be "Highlighted" so to speak...not to be overly sarcastic (I'm tame but love Word Pictures) but it is kind of like playing "Wheres Waldo" with out knowing your playing, the deep meaning (as Clever as it is) still remains hidden without input unless pointed at... I did as I do remember seeing the photo for the first time thinking that you were trying to say something about the Asian/Oriental & the American Flag also, Against or Departure regarding the connection between the two. it was a Vague feeling.. just a comment
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Jay I just reread the thread on Titles... intersestingly your title caused (Chalanged) me to look to for technical problems rather than symbolic meaning... it did get you a comment which led me to read which led me to try to understand which led me to "listen" to others so I guess in a round about way it worked but initialy I was off track... but the whole title thing could be consisdered a really good advertising technique... it worked for me... hmmmm
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Hello again.


Hopefully to answere your question; "Art is Subjective". If we agree that art is subjective then what you bring to the image is just as important as the image, for Your understanding of any work. I could just as well have said, "The yellow tones are what tie this together...", or whatever. I choose with some images not to put forth my own interpretations so that I might see what others see without me telling them what they should see....see?


~Thank You Scott



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