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Silver Glove

harry eggens

American speed-skater Kip Carpenter at the start of his 500 meter run during a Worldcup event on the outdoor track of InzellProframe Photography


© © <a href="http://www.proframe.org">Proframe Photography</a>

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nice one...very tense, you can feel the way he feels! and i like the diagonal that left leg and right hand form...very nice!
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Wonderfull..impressive sharp image....which has a great compostion and lighting...

Can find nothing that could be improved in the iamge.. WEll DONE EXCELLENT

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its cool to see the reflections in the ice. Its amazing how the skates come to a sharp point...blade-like! great shot.
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good to see you back Harry :) this is a nice shot, but compared to the last skating shot, the last shot was just out of the world. cheers!
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Man did you catch this one. Lighting is perfect,reflections are crystal, timing is unbelievable, color is crisp, detail right down to the fine dust on the ice. Kip should have a copy of this! 7/7
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All 3 of your currently posted skating photos are terrific for the "poses", color, and sharpness.
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Brilliant angle, great lighting, and perfect DOF under the circumstances. Fantastic shot. The only comment I can think of is that the image seems to be slightly unbalanced vertically, I would have liked some more space at the top. Or maybe a vertical composition with a lot more at the bottom to accentuate his intended path. Nice capture!
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When I was young I did race skating. For this reason I like it even more this fantastic picture.
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Great...simply great, the skater is in an incredibly dinamic position...he's ready to jump off my monitor!

Stunning shot.



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