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© Copyright 2004 John Barry Walthall


This is cash register receipt paper...I arranged it over a light source.


© Copyright 2004 John Barry Walthall
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Fine Art

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This is an awesome photo...I had to look twice to figure out what it was. Very interesting shot!
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Cash register paper, you say...unbelievably creative I say! It resembles a branch from the mimosa plant. Very nice photograph. Regards.
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Very very good composition. Highly Original and everyone will say.............why didn't I think of that! That's why you deserve all the accolades Barry. Congratulations!
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I have been looking at this photo....now I know what it is! Great-Love it, great composition, great idea and the colors.... great idea! 7/7!!!
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BRAVO!!!!! Properly exemplifies what I love about photography; pure P H O T O G R A P H I C creativity from behind the camera and NOT behind the keyboard. Not only that, but the composition is great, the exposure is excellent, and the depth of field was appropriately chosen. A good photographer and not just another okay picture with great Photoshop work that is commonly seen here on this site. Thanks for sharing. John Orr
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Barry, i have seen your this picture on very First day but i did not rate this i dont know why! Now this is over to 99, i checked your Whole folder u did not touch 100 yet,lol. Now i decided to give rating to this picture. bcoz 7/7 and addition of 1 rating is less than the picture deserve. Now Additon of 7/7 and 1 = 100. I think you will never forget this rate and comments. Regards.
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I actually thought this was computer generated until I read it was paper. Even then I still wondered! Makes me think it wouldnt be too hard to pass off something CG as a photo (when its this simple anyway) Awesome stuff though, good work! A very unique portfolio too.
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I am sad my piture didnt get chose for POW because I was to dedicated it to Amelie but I am a patient and will wait for my turn. I couldnt make the hosers do this so its better than mine today. Contradulations Barny Whitahll for your exellent pitcure of the noodles because thats whaht they look like. the ligtning is very much wonderful here. hOw id you do it?
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I'm trying to figure out how much of this effect is created by the lightsource and exposure and how much is created by the depth of field - it looks to me like there is a very significant depth of field and it is more the light distortion from a longer exposure that creates the odd "disappearing" effect as one gets deeper into the paper. (And, following up on last week's discussion, maybe there's an analogy in that?)


This is one of those photographs that (apart from its aesthetic Merit), is fascinating in its simplicity. Many thanks!

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Great Illistration. I think I made something like it using Illustrator in my an introductory class. Not sure why you posted an illustration as a photo. But then again there isnt a illustrations.net is there.
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Took me a while to realise what you've done there.. until i've seen the caption that is. :) A great example of truly creative work! I like everything about this image. 7/7
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Though somewhat abstract, this one has a distinct floral look.


I've been intrigued by your work for as long as I've been on P.net. Looking forward to an upload, congrats.

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I've looked at this image several times this morning and also at Barry's portfolio. He has some intriuging and exceptional shots in his portfolio, but this one doesn't turn me on, I'm afraid. It seems to lack any one feature that so many of his other abstracts have: texture, depth, tonal range, or interesting form. Clearly, I am in the minority. I think it's just a matter of taste; I'm looking for more of a sense of three dimensionality. The lighting from below makes it look more two-dimensional to me. With the enthusiastic response it has received, however, I'm sure it would sell well.
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I don't get it.


Is it art? I though art had a message, elicited a response, or tickled emotions. Is it an example of technical excellence in some way? At first, I thought this was a CG illustration, not a photograph; the lighting, color, and composition don't strike me as particularly exemplar of any aesthetic.


Perhaps the Elves could be more specific about why they chose this image? In my opinion, simply taking time and effort to lay out a shot does not necessarily contribute to the shot's value, except to the extent that it improves the image. Trying hard to take a good photo doesn't make the photo good.

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I think that past "winners" of POW would argue that being selected for that dubious honor is surely not "winning". The elves just mean for it to be an image worthy of discussion. People used to call it "Prisoner of the Week" exactly because there will usually be a diversity of opinions, and I expect that this week will see such a diversity. Also, I'm not aware of the elves ever responding to questions about the selection process.


I like this image. As for whether it's art, I don't know. Based on Scott's definition, perhaps not, but then again, some of what people think of as "fine art" is really just pretty pictures, right? This image is an interesting layout and well-controlled lighting. But there is something more to the composition than just technique, to my eye. There is a flow and a feel to it that I'm not sure I could really decribe in terms that aren't totally subjective. Would I hang it on my walls? Probably not, because I don't need to look for a really long time to get out of it what I get out of it, but I do think it's interesting to look at for a little while.



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...was my response upon first seeing this image. Upon reading that it had been constructed from folded paper then it really grabbed me. Is it art? I sure the hell think so. To take such an everyday item and to possess the creative genius to construct it into something else so entirely different, so subject to interpretation, immediately qualifies this image as art. Good job!
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Wonderful asymmetrical, decorative pattern which reminds me of leaves/flowers. I've admired your paper shots here and on another site, I am curious to know how you light them. My favorite of the abstracts in your portfolio is "Simplicity".
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When I first saw this, I thought it was PS'd to death and was very disappointed. Now that I know it's something as common as receipt paper and photpgraphed very cleverly, I am amazed. AWESOME JOB!


IMHO, if this isn't art, I don't know what is. If covering yourself in paint and rolling around on a canvas is considered art, surely taking the time to create a pleasant and intriguing visual experience must be considered art.


Great job, Barry. Very cool!

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