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Mt. Redoubt, Alaska


Taken around 9:45 a.m. Used a monopod. Adjusted and cropped in Photoshop cs. Yes, I know that 800 speed film is not optimal for landscape photography. I am working on composition and am also working within a budget. I used 400 and 800 speed film for this entire trip in Alaska merely for the flexibility ... I wanted to be able to shoot a couple of pics of a mountain then of a bear then of a building in changing weather conditions (often overcast) and with different length lenses without having to change out film. Thanks for the comments on film ... next time I go to Alaska (!!) I will take some 100 ISA with me!

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When I first saw this picture, I thought I was seeing Mt. Rainer. I like the framing with the trees.
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Hi Lannie! The best I can figure, by looking at maps online, is about 50 miles ... give or take ...


If you want a map of the area, look for a map of the Cook Inlet. The mountain (volcano) is very near the west bank of the Inlet. The highway I took the picture from is just on the east bank. The Inlet looks to be almost 50 miles across there ... (??)


Any Alaskans (Dave? Philip? Michael?.....) here are welcome to correct me (please!)

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Lou Ann -- I like the colors as they are not that pumped Velvia tones that so many think we gotta see.

Also the framing using the trees.

And a question; how does it look as a square? (Or here I go -- as a B&W square).

Tkx for getting my imagination working...j

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Lou-Ann, I like your composition a lot. I know your choice of a fast film caused the grain, pity since it would have a lot more impact for me without it. Perhaps the despeckle function in PS would help (I'm a bit of a PS dummy). David
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@ Jim Vanson - Thank you for your visit to my portfolio. I LOVE your images of native americans in traditional costumes. Makes me wish there were one in this shot. :-) Maybe later this evening I'll have time to try a B&W square crop. :-)


@ David M. - I'm a PS dummy, too ... but I'm learning. Would you believe that I DID use "despeckle" on this. This is the best that I could get without compromising the detail in the trees and mountain snow.

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Very nicely composed image. I see you used rule of third for the tree as well as for placement of horizon. Keep up the good work...And next time you go to Alaska, I would be more the happy to tag along. :-)
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Hi Lou Ann! I like your original composition of this scene; the trees are well placed and frame the distant volcano well. I would like to see the overall level somewhat brighter. Looking at the histogram in the PS Levels Adjustment, there is very little content on the right. I would try, as an experiment, moving the rightmost level slider to the left, closer to the start of the major content. This would help the monotone and tritone images too. But, it is still an enjoyable photograph! There is a nice sense of the great distances that are ubiquitous in our northern frontier. Regards.
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