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Bridge on River Sol Duc


Polarizing Filter. Best viewed large.Technically this was a very challenging shot. Besides the DOF challenges, the exposure had to be balanced just right to see the details in the dark rocks and also in the highlights of the waterfalls.

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I used 0.6 sec shutter speed for this photo. The shutter speed was dictated by the amount available light and large DOF that I was trying to achive.
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Hi Jay, To me this is about perfect all the way around. Great color saturation throughout, great details, good shutter speed with the water and great lighting, was this taken on an overcast day? Amazing photo!
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Not an easy shot to compose Jay. I believe you did an excellent job in this case. Wouldn't mind seeing more of that lower falls, but I see you had the wide-angle lens so you must have good reasons not to include that little bit of extra. The warm colors carrying a rustic feeling here coupled with the long exposure make this one work very nicely. Well done!


PS- Here is a slight crop to make this a bit simpler as well. Just an idea, I also like it as is.

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Excellent shot IMO. I like the original crop better. I see the idea in Vincent's suggestion, but think the perspective suffers.
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Thanks for the comments. It was a foggy morning (about 7:45 AM) with sun rising behind me to the right. This provided me with a good soft lighting for the photo.

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Nice crop...but I have a hard time cutting of the bridge. :-))

I was shooting at the maximum zoom to take this photo. I did take a photo using vertical format to include the lower part of the fall. But, I prefere the horizontal format due to couple of reasons: First, I love the contrast created by the dark rocks and bright water that dominate the foreground that was somewhat minimized in the vertical format. Second, there was a distracting plant in the foreground of vertical format.

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I am preferring the original shot with the bridge. Excellent color. Overcast days are great for colors, I feel. Well done, Jay!
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I see your point Jay. I too like it *as is* as well. The bridge works great in this. I was trying to crop out the lookout. It adds just a bit more of the human element than I'd personally like to see here. How about the clone tool then?? heh...
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Jay. One of your best. Love the details and the composition. I feel the left side is just right to balance the rocks on the right. Really nice details of the small branches in this image. Bravo.
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Hi Jay..great photo.I don't know how you have managed to capture this so well, the rocks sometimes are very reflective which can blind the meter and the water too.But your exposure is well balanced.Great job!!
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Thanks everyone for the comments and ratings.

Sol Duc Falls is absolutely gorgeous area to visit in Olympic National Park and a pretty popular place in summer. Besides spectacular photo opportunities, there are some excellent hiking trails.

Vincent: Unfortunately, my cloning skills leaves much to be desired. ;-)

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Wonderful composition and exposure. I take it you use a spot meter? gotta get one of those...


Can I ask you how you make your borders? I get blurry edged borders in PS only, and I like these crisp ones better. If you have a chance, please e-mail me.


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Great capture! As stated your exposure was perfect. I prefer your original framing. The medium-dark tones on the left contrast the water nicely.
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It is a good photograph Jay! The platform on the left is a little troublesome but still okay. As far as cloning...practice makes perfect. Regards.
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You are definetely a lot better photographer than I am. I shot the same bridge three years ago shooting it vertically and it came out nowhere near what you did w/ this wide angle landscape. This is an original, beautiful shot of a well-published, beautiful spot. The only thing different I would do is move your position to the right and little and have the bridge straddle the edge of the frame so the guard rail on the side doesn't distract from the image. It just seems like my eye is gravitating towards that little part instead of where it should be going.
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