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Well, it's a good picture. First I looked at it size large and thought does the stone take too much attention. If it does or doesn't is a matter of opinion. This picture gives this rough&cold feeling. The rough edges of the stone and B&W gives me this feeling when I look at it. Good picture because it gives an interesting atmosphere that makes you think a bit.
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Hi there!


I've changed the curves as follows:


Input 35% to Output 25% AND

Input 70% to Output 75%


Okay, it looks different in Photoshop anyway but take a look at it.


But I like your version too. Don't think it should have way more contrast!

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Just my 2 cents, but this is just as I like it. Detail in the all aspects of the photo. There are no real shadows in this, so the tones are just right, imo. As for contrast, might bump it a bit for web viewing.
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Personally, considering the subject matter, I like it as it is. Too much contrast can make it look "untreal". I think a split ND filter would might have added to the sky a little, but you would have had to use a square split ND filter and "played with it" to try adn get the horizon just right.


I like many of your others better. It's technically fine, but just a little boring by comparison to many of your others. But thanks for sharing it with us

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Hay Predrag,


I agree with what has been said, it needs more contrast and it is a little unsharp. I think that a polorizer might have helped the sky a little. This image has that slightly washed out look that many B&W digital images have. I like the placement of the rock slightly off center and the curve in the upper third. This would be a neat image to print on polycontrast paper done the old fashioned way. Other than that it has your normal high quility composure and exposure.



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Hi Predrag, This is great but it seems a bit off balance to me. I like the lines/curves in the background but the foreground elements seem to weigh the image heavily to the left side. Perhaps if the foreground rock were further toward the right side, with the bush slightly to the left? Just an opinion. Regards
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I don't see any balance problems as mentioned above. In my opinion b&w and the white frame were the perfect choice.



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I don't find this one as interesting as your other images. It feels stuck between being an image about a stark landscape, or an image about curves, without being a complete statement about either one.



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The stones leading to the curve and the curves leading to the background are very pleasing. Only the background itself is a bit unsettled, if this is the right word. In my opinion the contrast is just about right, more would be unnatural.
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Just a 5/5 this time :-( I like the curves and perspective very much, but unlike other shots of yours it does start any emotions for me. May be filters (yellow/orange) would have helped to show a more dramatic light ?
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