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Be vewwy, vewwy quiet...I'm hunting wabbits! -Elmer Fudd


PS7 - unsharp mask

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After revieving a comment that the rabbits eye was soft I decided to

crop the photo and sharpen it in PS7 using unsharp mask. I need help

here though.. At what point does sharpening become over sharpened?

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It is indeed a great capture (I love rabbits too - we have two house rabbits). I think (based on what I see on this monitor) the sharpening is just about right for display on a monitor. What I find in using the unsharp mask with my own photos is that I use it differently depending upon whether I want to display the photo on the monitor, or print it, e.g., What looks oversharpened on my monitors looks good in print, for the most part. I am still learning to use the unsharp mask. It is fairly versatile with all its different settings.


I do not have any calibrated monitors (I can't justify the expense of the software, etc. on my budget and for amateur use), but usually end up viewing most of my photos on two or more different monitors when jumping from a laptop, or from my home system to an external system, etc. Hope this helps a little. I have a lot to learn in this particular area myself. Also, remember, there is no substitute for correct focus (not that you focus is that far off in this photo- its so minimally off that one can hardly notice it). Post processing sharpening is mostly disappointing when used for that purpose. I see it as a viable tool for post processing photos from digital cameras. I believe it is generally better to sharpen in post processing than in the camera.



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This is a very nice capture Norman! You have excelent detail here as well as some nice colors. The fact that he is also working on dinner only adds a bit more interest as well. Your DOF with the out of focus background works very effectively in this case.


Thanks too for the compliments on some of my work. I have learned tremendously from people such as yourself and simply have the desire to give back in return. While I cannot comment as often as I'd like, I usually do have the time to offer at least a rating. Keep up the very good work!! Aloha.

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Guest Guest


thanks for sharing

( and you have more great stuff !!)

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Nice, sharp, well-exposed photo with perfect cropping/composition. What happened to his ear?


To answer your question on my Osprey photo, I think I had the D70 set to single photo mode, rather than burst, simply because I'd had the camera a day or two and hadn't figured out how to change it yet.

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Thanks for the insight to your Osprey photo.. excellent timing on that one. I know what it's like to have a new camera. I bought this one in April.. As for the Rabbit and his ear, I am not sure.. I was at my sisters home for mothers day and saw him in the woods behind the house. When he came out I got as close as I could and snapped a few off before he took off. But in reviewing the photo I noticed the same thing.


Thanks for looking at my work and you kind comments. -N

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This made me smile. Nice shot and good DOF. The sharpenning you've applied to the eye looks fine to me. I find on my shots when I start to oversharpen glowing white halos can appear around the edges and you also have to watch the noise levels as well. You probably know this but it is important to view your picture at 100% when applying unsharp mask to see it's true effect.
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