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Another Senior Session in Gray

Visatec & Broncolor lights.

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Wow. Quite striking, the lighting, the pose. I've only looked through a Hasselblad once, at a portrait session, and the image on the focusing screen was better than what I saw with my naked eye. Is this also your experience? I've been enjoying your portfolio, BTW.
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Yes, I really enjoy the Hasselblad, it makes it difficult to go back to the 35mm finders. But I really have difficulty with the digital viewfinders. These old eyes I guess.
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Beautifully lit, but I find the background a little distracting (but must admit that was what drew my attention in the thumbnail). Have you tried softening it?
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A bit more seperation is needed in my opinion. The background edge treatment is too harsh and clashes with the chain-mail. The border, although nice, has too little seperation from the photo. I also feel that the colors are too muted.


These are simply my observations reflecting my personal tastes. This is still a superb portrait.


I am attaching a version as I would have finished this shot for comparison.

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Hi Dave;

We have proceeded on a different vision for this portrait. We've treated as a glamour project and used diffusion and softening technqiues whereas you've approached it more like you're very admirable portraits and added sharpening and seperation from the framing whereas we were merging it into the grays. A young person like this doesn't have the character projection of your older colorful subjects.

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I love it! Very nice. As a fellow portrait taker

I how hard the org catagory can be on us. This is really nice. Congrats!

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I wish I had your many models to work with. It's quite a challange finding lovely ladies, but you seem to be quite prolific in the numbers of women and creative sessions you can capture through the lens. We've long admired your work and subjects on photo.net.
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You are right about the subtle nature of a young subject deserving a softer, gentler approach. I still adhere to the old addage that a soft background adds dimension and depth. BTW... I did not sharpen, but I did raise the saturation a bit, and a bit more on the eyes and lips. At least I don't THINK I sharpened... old age syndrome.


In any case, I lkie the original a LOT!

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