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Día de la Cruz en Trevejo


Today it has been yhe day dedicated to the Cross in the tiny village of Treveko, as in many other places all over in Spain. The morning was bright but extremely windy. Sometimes we even could not walk. This is the moment I captured. The image has been made in three shots joined together and then I have set a stronger sky in the bacground. For me, everybody is in the right position and at the right moment. Hope you injoy it from a photographic point of view. Thank you!

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I really like what I see: I like the coluur, the composition ... no matter how u get it. Really well done.
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Angel esta imagen es cuando menos, muy interesante. Generalmente no soy una fan de las composiciones "a posteriori" (soy un poco sentimental me temo), pero en este caso el resultado merece la pena. Quizás el efecto del cielo se note en exceso, pero puedo vivir con ello. Otra cosilla: la persona que en la esquina sujeta una cruz, me gustaría que esa cruz no tuviera de fondo el castillo/iglesia ya que se solapan, y también que el Cristo no estuviera tan centrado (pero de esto no estoy muy segura). Saludos.
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Es difícil diferir de Charo en el comentario técnico de esta foto, pues he observado que tiene un gran criterio y un importante poder de análisis, dicho esto, a mi particularmente me gusta si la observo como un todo. Encuentro que a pesar de ser una composición realizada en tres partes es una foto que entraría de lleno en el campo del reportaje pero acompañada de um cielo espectacular y artístico.

PD. Creo que también sería muy buena en BN. Saludos.

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Before anything the photo strikes by its narrativity. As soon as I saw it I thought about Garcia Marquez-A hundred years of solitude. Maybe it would be interesting to hear more about this feast. Thanks for sharing it!
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Wonderful saturation, The clouds really add a nice touch and seem believeable with the wind blowing. A real keeper! Thanks for sharing.

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A moving capture Angel! The clouds, the lighting, richness of colors...all beautiful. The only thought that comes to my mind is that it appears nobody is looking or even noticing the centerpiece. It is almost obvious that this is a composite because of the way the people appear to be unaware of whats happening. By design perhaps? Still even so, I think it still carries a great message and a good measure of emotion. Look forward to more!
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La figura del cristo està en el medio porque ES la imagen central en esta composiciòn, en mi opiniòn està en lugar adecuado. El castillo le añade un tono de antigûedad que no le viene mal. El cielo... demassiado llamativo!! Quizà habrìa que bajarle un poco el tono a ese azul, para que no le quite protagonismo al Cristo.
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Disgusting, depraved, sadistic image of a tortured almost.to.death, human being, for the satisfaction of a human worshipping, false, mind controlled cult.
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What is great about it Mario. IT depicts a disaster, not a religion..The false cult has killed 200 million in the last 2000 years, many thru torture and burning, brutally forced millions into its cult in overseas missions, their priests have raped and sexually assaulted 40% of ALL nuns, buggered thousands of alter boys, lost their hypcritical popes thru syphilis, prevented contraception thereby spreading poverty and AIDS, their priests have carried out human sacrifices, and so on ad nauseum.. There is NOTHING great about this image..
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