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Sam, my friend's Maine Coon mix, was happy to pose for this shot when I pulled out my 10D. Since I typically manually focus when shooting wide open Sam was captivated by the bird like chirps of my 10D autofocus sensor. Lighting was a single household lamp. ISO 1600 with 50mm Canon Macro at F2.8 1/30, or close to it. Image was desaturated in Photoshop and levels tweaked, no other manipulation. I didn't bother with channel mixer. Oh yeah, Sam's personality matches his pose.Appendum: somebody brought to my attention my reflection is visible in his left eye.

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I keep coming back to this one. I love cats, and and can spend whole afternoons shooting my neighbor's

mainecoon who's always lounging around in our yard.

I've tried some XP2 with a Frontier shot in various lighting conditions, but none of my shots look

this nice.

Or maybe it's the eyes that have me coming back to

this one.

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