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Monticchiello road


100 iso.I have shoted many photos of this road in past years,but never so green due to the storm that it was caming with its saturated colors -www.robertocarli.com

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La porterò in classe per utilizzarla in una lezione sulle stade. La composizione e i colori? Non c'è commento che possa sottolinearla deguatamente. Per me, è eccezionale!
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Questa strada penso sia una delle più fotografate della Toscana, nonostante ciò la tua versione mi piace molto, la casa al lato da un tocco particolare, molto belli i colori.
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Great shot Roberto, nearly missed it, have little time now (very busy at work...) Flower line is taking away some attention. Great color of the grass.
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Roberto, I'm spoiled by your regular master pieces! this one is nice in its own right with varied green tonality and cleaver composition (however, it seems like the Cypress trees pop up all over Italy, i.e. images from Maria Conversano, Michele Berti, etc.)
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How I would love to walk that road...even if it IS uphill!...Your pictures make it so easy to imagine being there....
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You might distingue tuscany from other italian regions from the Cypress. If u drive over Italy and u start seeing cypress and hills, well ... there is a great probability that u are in Tuscany (or might be in Umbria). The cypress over here is not simply "a tree" ... it's something more. The cypress has been introduced probably by Etruscans and it is a very longevous tree (it can live up to 2000 years!) and just for its longevity it represent for "tuscans" a tangible sign of continuity from past to new generations.
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Although the colours are well saturated, I think the light is too flat in this image. Also, there are too many elements in this pictures that deserve their own attraction but here I think they are fighting each other. There is the lovely winding road, the tress, the cottage and the yellow flowers.


I think we can produce 2 better pictures from this image.


The 1st picture consists of the winding road and Cypress trees. Take this picture on a late afternoon sun so that the sun casts a warm and long shadow on the trees. Use a polarising filter to saturate the colour and warm up filter like a 81B to warm up the green grass.


The second picture would be filling the image with the yellow flowers in the foreground and place the house in the background. I would eliminate the sky as that is not the main interest. Again, take it on a late afternoon when the sun lit up the cottage.


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I simply post my shot on PN and everyone is free to rate and comment my pics (ask only if bad rate to know why simply).That simply means it doesn't depend from me how many ratings i get and if people like or not my pictures.You are free to rate and comment my shots but i personally think that sounds really offensive and rude your final assertions regarding italian mafia.Regards.
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Peter,if could explain in italian i should it,in english language is prohibitive ,so tell you only two things:u can't have a total picture view in other way of this.During the morning u are against light and the light goes off early in the evening because in front of it there is an higher hill(see yellow flowers)so the light is no good to shot because is always flat and the frame have to include that sky portion usually too much shining,believe me this is better way!!

On the left of the house there are recent houses and on the right of upper side a recent hay-hangar.

Despite of troubles is one of best Tuscany subject to shot(as well as s.quirico cypresses)and u find it in many,many calendars and books.


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I apologize for using the "italian mafia" words. I didn't intend to offend anyone (I thought of "mafia" as a generic word, as it has become in French. My mistake).

It is just that I realized that people tend to form groups based on nationality, culture... thus increasing the probability of the 'mate-ratings' issue existing in PN. It is an expected reaction (and I would have the same bias toward french PN members), and far from being an abuse case, here.

This being said, I looked at your whole portfolio and I must say that your Landscape work is awesome (light, colors, composition...) and shows us an amazing vision of Italy.

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You have mistaken form and agree ur apologize,but regard too many ratings lack of comments and 0 uploads you aren't wrong,and i see ,recently,to post this trouble in the forum.

I hope can be find as soon as possible,a solution to avoid unpleasant misunderstandings.

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YES...that is what you give us landscape photographers......thanks for sharing your beautiful Italy with us...

the yellow flowers add a romantic softness to all the green here...

love it!!!!!!!

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i think that you have to think before write somethink. Like Michele told Mafia is a big and strong world and, for italian people, it means blood, tears, and an offensive and disastrous plague that everyone of we would want to always cancel. You can't take the possibility, with much facility, to speak and to say of the things like this, even if these words come written with lightness.


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