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Barn Swallows 05


Canon 10D+600mm

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wow im very new this site.. and this is one of the first pieces ive seen here.. adn this shows alot of the moment.. sorrow . pain.. you can almost sense the anger in the partner.. poor things both of them.. great shot!!!!!!
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I am a beginner in photography, and I am trying to understand what photography is for ... now I know. Excellent shoot, color, message,etc. I recomend you to see the rest of the pictures of this story. Even in the picture "Barn Swallows 12" (which is the second one, I believe)comes the story from the photographer.
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Esta foto se proyecta en el pasado y en el futuro. Cuando la vi por primera vez, me quede asombrado. Luego, a medida que pasaba el tiempo y seguia mirandola me iba conmocionando cada vez mas Encierra una historia del pasado (los dos juntos...)y cuenta una historia del futuro (la soledad...). Ver a un animal sufrir es como ver sufrir a un ni�o. Enhorabuena.
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On its own a wonderful shot, showing life and death. But seen in context of the presentation and comments thereon, quite different. By itself, singularly this a great photo. It won't be possible for us to actually know what the living bird was thinking but we then tend to give human characteristics to animals in such situations, therefore, we tend to belive that in this image, the bird is grieving the death of a loved one. But if we see it only in photographic terms, its a top class shot. The Out of focus regions concentrate our attentiom just to the two birds. And we see the living and the dead in interaction. Very well done, Wilson.
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I've seen birds like this, bluebirds and swallows, hit a window, drop to the ground, out cold and then recover in about 10 minutes and fly away. Unfortunately birds hit windows at my place two or three times a year. Perhaps 35% of the time they do recover, much to my amazement. Looks like this one fell on asphalt. As most bird photographers probably know, the birds do have a functional brain, do communicate and display emotions.
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