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© Copyright (c) Michael Ezra 2001


michael ezra


© Copyright (c) Michael Ezra 2001

From the category:

Fine Art

· 71,923 images
  • 71,923 images
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Hate when people forget to close there tags. This should fix it.


Can my critique of this photo be "I hate you?" :) This is a very nice image I'm just joking. I was looking to try something new and some of your images (not all) are along some of the ideas I had. So I would have to say their great :)


Very nice work again.

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there has to be one orphan in the bunch. I don't like it because I don't like that hair or whatever it is hanging down in the middle of her belly.
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Hey Michael. I like this image for the way her upper torso looks, the hand seems a little off, not quite believable, and the hair is maybe a little irritating. I think this image works much better than the 'trick' images with the mirrored bodies and so on. This image has a tactile quality that I like. It also seems a little less 'forced', than a lot of your other work.
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The author has a superb eye for composition and all his pictures have a strong impact on the viewer. John
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