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"Under the Rainbow"


A Moment of Wish

"THOSE WHERE THE DAYS" came into my mind when I captured these two old gentleman and theire "memorys and wishes" viewing the rainbow. Some people believe that if they reach under the rainbow they can make a wish! I would wish for a better world. Shutter speed: 1/125. Aperture: f/8. Zoom range: 20mm. Time of day: 18.15. Best viewed in LARGE format. Copyright: Baldur Birgis

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Otto, Carl, Michael, Vincent and Royal for your comments and ratings.


Many Thanks to ALL of you for your time and ratings.

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Some people (like Hungarians) also believe that if you pass under the rainbow, you become one of the oppoite sex.
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How could I have missed this one???? AGAIN an amazing picture, thanks for making me feel good to see such a work of art.
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The only time I saw a full rainbow I didn't have a lens wide enough to get the whole thing in one shot :-( I find they are rare. It appeared as a rain shower and front moved east and the sun was low in the west. The rainbow appeared smaller and denser (not a real property though). It all depends on light angles and amount of water.


Also it was in a new subdivision and the foreground was solid dirt and half finished houses. Not too good for making a beautiful photo such as yours.


A real rainbow will show, as does yours, a lighter area on the inside than outside due to some optical properties that I don't understand. In the case of the one that I saw there was also a less intense double that sometimes occurs in a greater arc than the main brighter one. There are some interesting sites that explain all the possible variations and are worth visiting for those interested.

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Talk about being in the right place at the right time and taking the right picture! The only thing I can think of to improve this is the absence of the cement parapet that the men seem to be sitting on(?). It is very distracting in the foreground, especially with the shadows falling on it. A fantastic capture, I am as jealous as most of the others on this site!
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