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© (c) 2000 Philip Harle www.virtualtraveller.org

Pinnacles Desert, Cervantes, Western Australia


converted to B&W using Photoshop


© (c) 2000 Philip Harle www.virtualtraveller.org
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Great portfolio. The onen particular held my interest. I like the exposure, composition and feel of the scene.



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Most excellent shot. The kind i try to take although I do not know the merit of useing Velvia as B+W film. B+W negative film should have more latitude and you can always use a contrast filter on the print or contrast it when you scan the negative.
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I never use Velvia with the intention of making black and white prints - but this one just suited black and white, and it's amazing how useful it is to have recorded the colour information. It means you can add colour filtration in printing rather than having to fiddle around with red filters etc in the field.
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Good work. I've been to the Pinnacles but it was in my early days as a photographer and my shots are very lame efforts (though of course they're great memories of an enchanting place). This goes a long way to capturing the feel of the place, but I must say I think the foreground could do with being a little bit lighter.
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