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Taken with canon 17-35 f2.8 USM type L, manually focused

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I like taking wide angle lenses and pointing them up into the sky, which is what you did here. I like the color and contrast in this image very much, but when I use this technique, I avoid lines that parallel the image edge for these reasons. Look at the lines here, you can see distortion in them, and they appear to curve slightly. Whether this is desired or not is up to you. Other than the slight curvature, I enjoy this image, and find it quite original.
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I think if you didn't use a polarizer, then use one. I just want more color saturation. If you did then I'll just shut up.

Also, I think some clouds in the sky might help too. just my $.02

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Michael, The distortion adds to it, I like it. To many times people alter a real photo. Your composition is good, definitly well framed :), colors are great. Its a simple yet not average point of view. Good job.
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A polarizer will not add saturation since the photo was shot almost into the sun. Velvia would definitely provide more saturation, but what's the point? Provia does a great shot in providing saturated hues without blowing everything away. Nice shot.
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This is very unique and interesting. It's a picture of something that we all may see in real life, but aren't able to take a picture of it because we just didn't have a camera. Nice!
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I really appreciate all the positive comments, actually there was no polarizer used in this photograph . Catherine , yes what I had in mind was the distortion of the buildings edges all aiming towards the sky with the windows and chimneys accenting this view. This however was one of those right time , right lens, right position photographs that really caught my eye. I was glad to see that other photographers like it as much as I do ..thanks
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