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Through the Looking Glass


A reflection
Comments or suggestions are always welcome

Bye Max (Photo4U)

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I agree with the above... great shot. I may clone out some of the big white spots, but nothing that will make a big change.
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Massimiliano, questa è davvero fantastica: i colori, la drammaticità, ma soprattutto l'originalità. Davvero eccellente
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very nice and thank U for sharing it! I've tried some reflection shots too and I would be glad to have them critiqued! Thanks again!
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Bravissimo, questa e bellissima.


I particularly like the cropping at the bottom of the frame - just the right amount of 'real world' left in.

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I love this, it almost looks as if you're looking up at the person from underground... some.. magical way? :P Excellent shot.
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Fantastically original and clever. Great atmosphere. Like the preceding comment, I originally thought this was shot through a dirty glass ceiling looking up into the piazza !
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La foto e' di una pozzanghera e se ribalti l'immagine vedrai quello che ho visto io, l'allego ;)

Ciao e grazie

Max (photo4u.it)

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