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from within dan's pathfinder


arsat 30mm

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the light was right and the camera was with me so i decided to have a

go at this moving car interior at night kind of shot. i used a spot

meter to check the exposure of the dash and sky so everything would

come out alright. i used the stereo as a refrence for the light end

and opened 2 stops from that. after 2 shots, i was putting the camera

away when this truck came up and i had to scramble to get it all set

up again in time to catch it for the prize composition of the 3

exposures. it came out just like i wanted it to.

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Very well caputred shot. I have tried this shot too on numerious occasions, but since it requires a long expousre i always get a very abstract blur of the car and the lights. I love the fact you got the car interior sharp and the the outside blurr.. The colours are marvelous too.


How did you manage to get the interior sharp.??


Well done

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the first exposure was shot just bracing myself on the two seats and hand holding the shot. there was more blur than this but not much. just have to get comfortable braced in the car and it helps to use a heavy camera.


dan has a bar extending from the passanger side with a small ball head on it for a video camera. so for the second two and this one, i mounted it on that and griped the camera to dampen the vibrations.


the shot is a 2 second exposure. there is still blur on the interior but not enough to really detract from the shot. i actually wanted some motion blur to enhance the feeling of movement.


if you really want some of the interior tack sharp to anchor the photo, you can set off a low power flash to freeze some of the car that would otherwise be dark. do ask the driver of course!

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