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Sea Of Seats


Although only a small image has been uploaded, a high resolution 'jpg' and 'tif' are available of this photo.

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Fine Art

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Thanks for the comment. I like this one myself. Obviously I like a lot of my photos but this one is quite special.


Thanks for taking the time to look!

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Personally, I like this picture better than the other version, although this is the first time I've looked at both. My first reaction when I saw this was to wonder what the subject was. The next thing I noticed were the 3 round connected shapes and lastly the lines across the bottom which on closer inspection look like a blurred image of a face (my interpretation). I like the blue/green and burnt red colors. The Blue tones give a receeding quality which is contrasted to the round shapes which give a bulging out feel. The repitition of the shapes is offset by the differences in color going L to R. I find that this is a type of picture that I could look at for a long time. The more I look at it the more I see. My -only- real concern is the bright white space dead center. I'd rather see color there as the white is too "hot" to look at and contrasts too much with the rest of the subtle tones of the picture. I also like your choise to only show part of the L and R bulges. They let my mind wander and try to imagine how the rest of the picture continues. I'd give you a 7 for aesthetics save for the white spot, so I'm giving you a 6 (I'd do 6.5 if they allowed fractions). This is a simply wonderful image!
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I am glad that you like the image. Your points are valid and noted.


I am flattered that you have taken so much time to look at the picture. I hope I can post more that please you.


Thanks for looking!

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As indicated in the other version of this picture. I think the two versions evoke very different feelings. This one is generally preferred (as reflected in the ratings) which may be attributable to the sharper contrasts of colours and more pronounced features (lines and shapes).
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John, You know I respect you a lot (all jokes aside) and when someone like you makes a comment as you have done, I am genuinely flattered.


There are actually 2 figures in the centre. One of them is me but I am lost in the hot spot.


Thanks for looking!

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David, I don't know if it makes any difference or not had one seen the original version first before seeing this. IMHO, yes, this is different, abstract, and catches attention. However, I feel that the original version has a simplicity attached to it that with the original image's warth, (if you can call aluminium bench "warm,") connects to me more so than this inverted version. Hope this makes sense!
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