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Ely Cathedral Tower from the South

colin carron
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Hi Colin! I really like the sky on this one and the way the windows shimmer. Those windows really make this photo interesting. The only thing is that it seems a little off kilter. I tried to play with it in photoshop to see if it just needed to be cropped straighter, but I don't think that is it. I think it is the angle it was shot from that makes one tower on the left slightly lower than the one on the right. It is very minute but somehow catches my eye. Now I'm wondering if straight on, you would have caught that great shimmer? Maybe not. So I think you did a great job in a tough situation! By the way, I meant to ask you a while back, what is the Sunny 7? I've been thinking about how to mix indoor lighting with outdoor and I thought your insight might help. Best Regards!
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Hi Rachael, thanks. I agree about the out-of-kilter business. I tried to straighten it up too and this is the best I can do! I think it is as you say the effect of being slightly off-centre to catch the window reflection but also nothing about the cathedral is quite straight anyway. The opposite number to the two smaller towers fell down in medieval times and the whole cathedral is built on what used to be an island in the middle of a flat marshy area now drained and called the fen country.


I will email you about lighting but I should say I'm not the world's greatest expert on the subject!


regards - Colin

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I love the shimmer and detail is grat in this one too. Light is gorgeous and the sky really addsto the pic. the tower distorsion does'nt bother me that much.
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Interesting tidbit of history. Thank you! Now with that information, the "out of kilter business" seems quite appropriate. As is the leaning tower of Pisa. I wish I was more informed in my first critique. :) But, at least I learned something about the building. My appologies. Best regards!
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It looks like a wonderful old cathedral ~ one I've yet to see. The composition is very good, with the cathedral tower and building to the left forming a kind of broken diagonal. The colours are natural and the focus is sharp ~ all in all, a very good shot, Colin.

Thank you for your recent comment on my 'arty' pic. I found it very honest and helpful. I appreciate it.

Kind regards, Chris

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Wow, what optics, and film result. To be extra ordinary, there should be more play with the lighting angle, exposure and thereby shadow details, giving harmony and greater contrast. Now, just a superb photo of dramatic architecture, with a little framing from the left branches. Sky matches well. Maybe just one or two sunlit humanoids to add life??
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Thank you Thomas. I quite agree with all you say but as I am sure you know Fate does not always provide the right conditions for perfection all the time. I think it is very inconsiderate of her. There were some humanoids (schoolboys if they count) from the cathedral school. Unfortunately this road also is the back entrance to their eating place so is less than aesthetic when you look lower.
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