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Composition in Lanzarote street


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Foreground too dark to harmonise the photo. Earthy shot, yet we have so much sky with puffs of light cumulus..That dosnt really match up. Crop to just above the top of the lighthouse, and the image becomes much more strict..and earthy... The poor Nikon zoom optics dont help the clarity that film is trying to give us here. Example, the clouds lack vibrancy and clarity, the mountains arecolorful yet a little unsharp..For the same price, Zeiss optics will blow us all away. The forground really should have been, at least partially lit up before taking this shot..See photos4u.dk for what I mean for Zeiss and using light to dramatise a shot..it is a great study site with over 1000 photos..
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poor Nikon optics??? I'm sorry, but mostly every lens you could buy today are sharp. Most likely the loss of sharpness was probably in the scanning process.


Also I don't understand what you mean by the sky and earth don't match up. If there is an interesting sky, such as the one in this picture, then by all means it should be included in the picture.


Thomas you sound like a spokesperson for Zeiss.


Anyway, I love this composition. The road leads the eye to the colorful hills in the background. The pastel colors of the hills are almost surreal.

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Well if you crop just above the lamp-post that does make an interesting composition, and very different, but I don't think it is necessarily better. This is an excellent composition. I like the flow. What bothers me are two dark slanting lines that look like windmills on the right side of the image. I might have eradicated them. Are they part of the mountains? Who knows?



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George, excuse me, but... I know it... that lines are the shadows on the mountains (you can be sure, I was there... )


Thanks much and Best Regards.


Thanks much all.

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I like very much this image but to avoid the lamp in the middle, and to make it in an Edward Hopper style, I'd humbly suggest the following crop...

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Muy bonita esa foto de lanzarote. Me quedo con el recorte. Le da mas protagonismo al camino y a la farola.
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really like the original and the square version. where the black is feels very grounded and real. The mountains look to me like an impressionist painting of mountains. it's the joining of the two for me that makes it feel unique. If it's a place you can get to, why not try different shots, feels like so many possibilities await.
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Tom, if you are not nicer, you are going to have to spend eternity in the Nikon forum, but the only camera you will be permitted will be a Holga, and the others will do nothing but criticize your optics till the end of time.


I like it, Marta Eva, and especially those nice puffy cumulus clouds, combined with the curve of the walk, which is what caught my eye on the thumbnail. It looked like the path went into the sky.



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This is just beatiful Marta, I do love this photo. The colours are outstanding and the composition is great. A job well done :)



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Very attractive shot. I don't know if critique means: "if you had done this, then..." or "your presentation is what works for you."


I tend to believe people present what they find intriguing - which is why I have no problem offering ratings of 7/7.


I think this image is so very cool. You obviously found the frame and captured it with your "disposable camera-made with a one use camera." You might have taken it with a 8x10 or larger camera or whatever, but you didn't and this is what you've taken the time to share with everyone else - and it works for me.


Your visualization of this image is exquisite.



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