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Giants Causeway - 1

ivar olsen

2.5 sec. f/18, iso 100, 26mm (17-35mm)Resolution: 4096x2332Light meassured with Flashmeter (5 measurements, then shot on the average), desaturated and toned a bit. Best viewed large indeed.

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This is a shot I did his weekend up at Giants Causeway in Northern Ireland.

The site is now considered to be the 8th wonder of the world, and is each year

cisited by more than 1/2 million tourists.

More is here: http://www.northantrim.com/giantscauseway.htm


The picture as apx. 2.5 sec, light measured with a Minolta Autometer 4

(average from 5 meassurements), desaturated and then toned a bit.


What do you think?

As always...thanking for your time, comments and ratings.


Ivar :-)

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Guest Guest


This is very nice. The overall cold tone, tonal range, composition, and technical control is very very good. Good details in the blacks & highlights. On first look, I could almost believe it if you said you shot this with a 6x4.5 or similar. I also like the art-poster frame. It is a good way to display this shot and sets it apart.



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Was this made into a postcard or poster? I think I sent this picture, or something very similar, to my friends and family back in the States! I remember it being something different to the typical pictures of the causeway. Very Mysterious! Great Job!
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Thanks for the ratings and comments! :-))

Steve: I usually set them up as I wish to print them, and when done I pop down to the local store to get them printed. They have a brand new Fuji Frontier!!!!! *Biiiig smile* I wish I could aford a 6x4.5 or a Leica M7... *sigh...*

Rick: The textures are unique. If you look at the Causeway website you'll see how unique they actually are! ;-))

Melissa: This one is mine...but I would not be surpraised if you have seen similar as a post card... It is a nice spot to be photograhing at!



Ivar :-))


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I really wanted to get to Giants causeway while I was in the UK, but didn't get around to it, and agin I'm disappointed when I see shots like this one. Only gripe is the heading, the shot does all required talking.
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I have to commend you on many things regarding this outstanding shot.

First, its raw force and beauty.

Second, your choices at postproduction: toning and framing, among others.

Third, your providing the very helpful technical details.

Fourth, giving us all the oportunity to enjoy.

Fifth, the excellent technical aspects of the shot: specially its composition and exposure.

Well done!!

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Ivar: this is a great image but the legend at top is very distracting. The image is strong enough on it's own. Remember--- you never see the masters do such a thing.
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For nice and also the constructive comments. :-))

Michael: It's a few years back since the Fuji GX617/similar cameras had my attention, and when I was walking around at the Causeway I had goose-pops just thinking about all the possibilities a photographer with just such a camera would have there. I had a quick look at your folder.... MAN!!! You have to get yourself over to the Causeway!!! You would have a BLAST there!!! :-))

Alberto: Grazie mille! :-)) It's not often I get any attention for my pictures...and I have to admit that I really enjoyed the fact that you said what you did...and also that you took the time to do so! :-)) I look forward to check in with you!

Michael: I can only agree with you...and I have left the legend at my second photo from there. :-))



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GREAT! well done, ivar! I like this kind of long exposure water shots. beautiful image and comp.!


Cheers, allon.

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Great shot. Moody and surreal. The basalt columns in front add almost a human organizing element. Contrasts well with the rounded boulders in the sea. But the sea's surface is whar draws me - the tones and motion - it reminds me of dreams.
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