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Haybale sunset

ian cameron

This is the most technically difficult sunset I have ever tried to do. It exceeded my expectations because I hadn't considered the surreal effect of the clouds moving in this two minute exposure. 5 stops of ND filter were used to get detail in both the land and sky and I only had time for two shots before the sky faded.

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I had to work blooming hard to hold the detail in both the land and

the sky using 5 stops of ND grad filter. What I hadn't anticipated

was the surreal movement of the clouds twisting wave like through the

sky in this two minute exposure. Hope you think it was worth the


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Guest Guest


Very surreal, very soft... how long was the exposure? Are the colours due to reciprocity failure/low light?


(All it needs now is a man stood on a bridge screaming - only kidding...)

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Beautiful. I love the outline of the bails in silhouette at the top of the hill.


In which direction were the clouds moving ?

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Your photos are exquisitely detailed, as befits a tripod, small f-stop and a very slow shutter.

I had given up on film because of the dreadful photolabs where I live. I now feel tempted to go out and look at medium format film cameras.

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Spectacular sunset! My only suggestion would be to crop the top a little lower I find the dark blue sky a little distracting. At first look it looked like the sky had been photoshoped but after reading the tech data I now see the light. Two minutes at sunset very impressive. Thank you for providing so much technical data it is a very good learning tool. cMurdock
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This is really an extraordinary landscape/sunset photo. The moving illuminated clouds create an effect that I have never before seen, and the foreground ain't bad either.
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Firstly with regards to photoshop. Frankly I am unskilled in its use. I wouldn't have the faintest idea how to mess about with the sky even if I wanted too, which I don't. The slide on the light box and the picture on the screen match as accurately as I can get it. The clouds are moving generally towards me and right, the surreal effect is due to the two minute exposure forced on me by the 5 stops of ND grad filter I used to try and hold detail in land and sky. The blue area in the sky was left in partly to show that the colours are not over exaggerated and partly because the haybales have picked up a slight blue cast in the shadows from this area of sky and I felt it was important for the viewer to be aware of where that cast came from. The orange sky has been reflected and picked up by the straw in the field. The exposure was two minutes at F16. I only got time for two shots thereafter the firey sky subsided.
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Fantastic picture ! I think it is my first 7/7 rating !

I like all of your landscapes, but this one is my favorite.

Bravo !



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This image is so well done, it gives me goosebumps all over! Detail in dark forground is excellent while the sky is just simply out of this world! Could be the poisonous gas from Venus? 20 thumbs up!
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The sky is incredible! The idea of using long exposure and capture clouds advection is great. My compliments!
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Very very nice. It totally looks like photoshop but obviously isn't. thats really cool! I gotta try this too.
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Extra ordinary shot. Superlative movement of clouds effect, much more dramatic than water movement..fantastic ground coloring. Good perspective, strict and clear composition. I especially like those 3 on the horizon, for added drama.. Wow Wow..
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Thanks for all the technical details--I appreciate you taking the time to explain what went into making this beautiful photo.
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How annoying is it for people to post comments and questions about this image and many others on photonet when the answers to the questions are in the description or intro!
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