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© copyright Wayne Melia


Wayne Melia

nothing special;80-200 zoom, scanned,cropped, and sharpenedcritique PLEASE


© copyright Wayne Melia

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I considered cropping tighter on RHS half way up the horse to

eliminate stirrup flying out of the frame, but I like the foot in the

lower corner. oh well..

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This is a great action shot! I too love the framing.


If you do want to crop further, and I am not sure if I would, you might want to crop a tiny little bit on the lefthand side, so that you have just two legs of the horse in the picture. The main purpose beeing that you would get rid of the red shirt of the rider in the top left hand corner.

You don't have much red in the rest of the picure and it draws the eye a bit into this corner.


Cropping on the right and top is perfect. On the bottom I might ,like to have a little bit more space - depending on what there is ;-)


Having said all this, I would probably leave the picture just as it is! Awesome shot, great colours, great composition!

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I like the shot just the way it is. The bull wrestler is perfectly framed and by having the horse on the right in full view it shows how much action is happening.

I think a better scan or some careful photoshopping could improve the appearance of the image a fair bit. e.g The burnout on the hat. overly dark sections on horse, etc. I suspect scanner as it doesn't look like the camera or film should be to blame.

Nice work Wayne!

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when someone comments positively on one of my photos, i try to return the favor so i stopped in and this whole rodeo light folder just blew me away. it seems like you used the unsharp mask filter a little too much on a lot of these. some of these rodeo shots are of the best sports/action photos i've seen. i'll rate the whole folder when i have more time. great work, please keep it coming!
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I need to agree with the above poster about the over-use of unsharp mask. The contrast is uncomfortably high. Great angle for the shot, though! You have an intresting crop here, too, which tells a story beyond that of the steer wrestler. After all, it's a team effort! Nice job.
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