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Findhorn sunset

ian cameron

Findhorn is a delightful place on the Moray Firth. One year it's fertile soils gave rise to a crop of monster veggies and quickly became a mecca for "environmental earth friendly folk". Fabulous sunsets are not that common I was lucky enough to come across this scene on a flat calm windless day giving rise to near perfect reflections. A 0.6ND filter equalised the sky/reflection and a polariser saturated colours.

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A sunset of this brilliance proved irresistable. The beautiful calm

evening doubled its effectiveness. Hope you enjoy.

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holy moly... I was just thinking yesterday about how old sunset pictures have gotten for me... my own bore me for the most part but then, I don't do them that well and I know it...


then I see this...


wow... just wow...

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You never get bored with a good thing! There an awful lot of sunset photo on this site but few are as good as this.


Thanks for sharing!

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It looks a bit unnatural to have the reflection brighter than the sky... still beautiful, nice work.
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When I first saw the thumb of this in the Top Photos section, I was stunned. At full size this image is just incredible. The saturation, the exposure, the composition, it's all so perfect. I'm amazed at the quality of this photo. Excellent Shot.
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An extra ordinaty photograph... WOW WOW ..just wondering, did u take a shot without the ND filter, so that the sky was NOT exactly mirrored.. I think, as there are no effective ripples, maybe a slightly darker, or less clear reflection of the sky, may have been more balanced and harmonious.... PLEASE take note of the beauty of film for nature, all those who have prematurely jumped to dumbed down digital, and keep posting drab, dreary, unclear, undimensional snaps..
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excellent shot. I was here several years ago and got some good reflections shots not with these colors though...Kevin
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I would have agree with T. Turk's last statement about digital. When I first saw the picture, I thought "Oh great some bastard is messing around in photoshop again" But then I saw that this was actually the way it looked, I was stunned. I am a bit of a sunset chaser myself and I know how magical finding one like this can be! Congrats!!
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Thankyou for your comments. I try very hard to make the results match that of the slide. The reason is simple and two fold. Firstly I like to be faithful to nature as much as I can. Velvia seems to record the scene the way I remember it albeit with a little help from ND grad filters. Secondly I am unskilled in the use of Photoshop and suspect my attempts to alter, enhance, would be apalling and very noticeable.
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The previous posters have said it all! Incidentally, have you considered a square or landscape crop?


Barry Needle.

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Ian,this is a superb image in and out.I like how the inclusion of the boats has separated this image from just another pretty reflection.The colors ARE NOT too saturated but just right IMO.Thomas has a point regarding the grad filter,would be interesting to see how it looked without maybe?A question for you Ian,if you metered off the medium orange section in the sky just to the left of the bright yellows without a grad,would you have gotten the same light reflected of the boats?Also,where was the sun in relation to your camera,I was wondering how much usefulness the polarizer was.Just techie questions to further the comments on this wonderful image of yours!
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