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All we need is .....Love..Beatles

tony georgiadis

A little soft focus...was shot inside with available light,adjusted a little the color balance.I shot it at eye level,there is some distracting out of focus on the bottom right side...if i would have shot it on a different angle it would have lost it's impact...that's my opinion....shot handheld leaning on a table nearby

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Very nice. I personally would not hang on my wall because not a big fan of this style (still worth the 6/6 i gave it!) but I can see a lot of people who would. I think it would sell as a poster with a nice caption, maybe the one you came up with, maybe not. Also, I would maybe remove the drop shadow. On the photo itself, there is just the soft yellow on the bottom left that I like less.
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Stephane, thanks for your comment...I agree with you for the bottom left yellow part...In fact now that you mentioned it...I WAS SO MUCH ATTRACTED...by my main subject......that my eyes,where constantly drawn to those cuties...

and missed that spot.

As Bente,already mentioned...PEACE,LOVE,AND HARMONY...That's a good title.

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Very pleasant shot, nice composition and patterns. Very cute!

But there is something uncomfortable on the left part of the image, especially on the eye. Blurr? other filter?

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I am a newbie to this and thus do not hold my opinion too high :-)

I think images of pets - puppies and kittens especially - have lost their originality allthough they certainly are ecxellent targets sometimes. In this case though you have managed a beautiful composition and a....hmmm...soothing image overall. Perhaps you will see my few images and tell me some advise? Oh, I AM aware that my own images aren´t that original. I am tryin but I have this eerie feeling that my surroundings are made of unoriginal subjects. I´m sure I will find the right angle someday :-)

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Asbjørn Lund Thanks for your comment...and being a newbie..doesn't mean you can't have your own opinion.....and I respect it.

I've seen your uploads...to be honest i didn't like it......Hold on....My advice would be........

First.....you can have the latest 12 Megapixel...

camera with all kind of lenses do you think it would help you improve your photos?? I personally doubt it....So,you can do very good pictures with that coolpix you have...but since shooting with Digital doesn't cost you a thing......SHOOT, SHOOT

SHOOT......same subject from different angles.....look at all the good pictures you see here...on photo net and look the photos you like and what is it on that photo that atracted you..see how his main subject was framed,composed,and watch the LIGHT....IT can make or break a picture.....and last....every place,and every corner...even the most common of things with the right lighting can be atractive...

Good luck AND ...SHOOT......SHOOT......SHOOT.....

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I just love the harmony this one has. What a look of contentment and security with nothing a care in the world!
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You may never make a better image than this! Nor one more commercially viable. Make a limited edition run and a poster from this. This image can generate income indefinitely.



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Alec,thanks for taking the time to comment...

Yes,Harmony, Security....nothing to care or worry about.....you put it very well in words.

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Love couldn't be expressed better as in my imagination,thanks much for uploading, better DOF at the -bottom left- would make the photo more touchy.
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Peace, Love and Harmony is the PERFECT title for this shot. I you could just rework the yellow portion, this picture could generate some revenues.
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Can, thanks for your comment was my pleasure to upload it,and share it with all of you. I just was so emotionally touched by these cuties.......That I just simply.....forgot about everything else,like the left yellow bottom part.....that spot on the eye......and the shallow DOF.

But i promess I'll upload later a new one technically spot on.

My point of view......was to forget the technical side and focus more at the photo as a whole.

And the message it was meant to transmit to the viewer.

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This is one image you want to gaze at for a long time. Almost if you dare not move to disturb them. I like the softening effect.
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Larry thanks for your comment.....I was so careful shooting them...NOT daring to disturb them

they looked so peaceful.......Wish we all had that Love,Harmony and peacefulness....inside us.

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